- Sep 30 2018

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Straight'' details MOPE
''Sure'' OKBYME
''Uno'' more than ''uno'' DOS
''Wheel of Fortune'' purchase ANI
'30s rival of MGM RKO
104 Across awarder UNIV
60 minutes in Marseilles HEURE
75 Across story setting PIT
Altercations RUNINS
Ambulance squad, for short EMS
Annual AMA recommendation FLUSHOT
Apt rhyme for ''panache'' DASH
Arabian Nights benefactor GENIE
Architect Lin MAYA
Architect Saarinen EERO
Arthurian isle AVALON
Baggage attachment TAG
Baggage attachment LABEL
Barber's belt STROP
Bedevil PLAGUE
Beefed up ADDEDTO
Bouncer's checks IDCARDS
Brought on board HIRED
Buchanan of mysteries EDNA
Bulk-mailing activity PRESORT
Canine, for instance TOOTH
Canonized California missionary SERRA
Captain portrayed by Plummer VONTRAPP
Chilly, in product names KOOL
Chocolate/toffee bar brand SKOR
Church official ELDER
Clairvoyant ability ESP
Commercials TVADS
Cotton candy, essentially SPUNSUGAR
Criterion: Abbr STD
Crucifix ROOM
Diet progress LOSS
Directed LED
Disneyland dog PLUTO
Disneyland shuttle TRAM
Ducks, on NHL scoreboards ANA
Éclair completer ICER
Eduardo's ''Enough!'' NOMAS
Eisner successor at Disney IGER
Elevators made of wood TEES
Endearment at Oxford LUV
Enticement LURE
Exudes OOZES
Family nickname SIS
Fendi rival PRADA
Fields of expertise AREAS
Flowing rock LAVA
Four-string instrument UKE
Frat letter SIGMA
Freebies GIFTS
Fructose, to glucose ISOMER
Gator or croc REPTILE
Gave meds to DOSED
Grazing ground LEA
Green Gables girl ANNE
Grumpy SOUR
Grumpy TESTY
Grumpy DOUR
Hardwood tree ASH
Hiding, with ''up'' HOLED
High academic attainment PHD
Hiker's reference MAP
How Mars looks RED
HS auxiliaries PTAS
Idolize ADORE
Informal refusal NOCANDO
Intensify ESCALATE
Clues Answers
Jean-__ Picard of ''Star Trek'' LUC
Just for the heck of it ONALARK
Kemper of ''The Office'' ELLIE
Kindhearted HUMANE
Large cache PILE
Latter-day ''You're welcome'' NOPROBLEM
Lee of frozen desserts SARA
Less lopsided EVENER
Library event listing CALENDAR
Light-feather connector ASA
Linguist Chomsky NOAM
Local license PERMIT
London neighborhood on the Thames KEW
Lose moisture DRY
Louvre pyramid designer IMPEI
Low cards in royal flushes TENS
Magic word PRESTO
Make __ of the tongue ASLIP
Master of the macabre POE
Mischief maker RASCAL
More mature OLDER
Mumbai-born conductor MEHTA
Musical for crooked cadres ACORPSISLYING
Musical for Dixie only SOUTHSPECIFIC
Musical loved by Verdi votaries THEFANDOMOFTHEOPERA
Musical that dairy farmers won't like THESOUNDOFMOOSICK
Named spans ERAS
Nastase contemporary ASHE
Natural balm ALOE
Nautical direction AFT
Nonwinner ALSORAN
Not up to par ILL
Outer limit EDGE
Part of RSVP SIL
Pirate/pastor musical BOOTYANDTHEPRIEST
Pool part DEEPEND
Promising ROSY
Provide funding for ENDOW
Reaches by boat SAILSTO
Rental ad abbr RMS
Right Guard rival ARRID
Rio Grande city ELPASO
Sean Lennon's mom YOKOONO
Sharp-eyed raptors FALCONS
Sharpener of cheese AGE
Shoestring LACE
Shorten further RECUT
Shot in the dark STAB
Small six-footer ANT
Splicing candidate GENE
Spotted horse PINTO
Stat at MIT GPA
Subsides EASESUP
Substandard POOR
Subtle signal PSST
Supermarket scan, for short UPC
Tacky quality BADTASTE
Take a breather REST
Tennis sweater style VNECK
The 411 INFO
The latest thing RAGE
Threesomes TRIOS
Tossed plastic toy FRISBEE
Unescorted ALONE
Unimaginative PROSAIC
Veggie in V8 BEET
Watch Fluffy for a friend CATSIT
Well-put APT
Western wolf LOBO
Wonder Woman, e.g AMAZONIAN
__ B'rith BNAI