The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,095 - Sep 21 2018

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Clues Answers
A tender kisser, Duncan regularly strays SICKNURSE
African doctor also getting reported HUTU
Black pen for penning love letters? SOOTY
Captains shelled seafood KIPPER
Clean seats returned around end of June SWEEP
Course adopted by English Lord portraying feeling of power? On the contrary EMPATHY
Crazy displays behind lorry MOONSTRUCK
Cushion idiot owing debt? HASSOCK
Drop proceedings relating to non-capital sentences LOWERCASE
Friends, perhaps outside city, moan anyhow SITUATIONCOMEDY
Girl in survey at last checked -- but not quite YVETTE
Group kind of play about when adult's not there PINKFLOYD
Inactivity extremely self-evident in existing state of affairs STASIS
Innocent type almost a victim, a sucker to some LAMPREY
Instrument found in box office after brief speculative view THEORBO
Clues Answers
Jacob's mate possibly on river vessel EWER
King, along with pawn on rook's square, held up major feature of key play? GRANDPIANO
Mature, wise men finally settled on epitaph RIPEN
Maybe dumb down in Sydney if travelling DISNEYFY
Monster conger-eel seen off and on OGRE
Old celebrity couple replacing son in finale about missing female HOUDINI
Old drivers crashing into base tramp in Roman town EBORACUM
One sought on line taps an ISP from the east LOACH
River rising, unusually heavy rain primarily the cause RUHR
Romantic writer ultimately writes terrifying tale SCHILLER
Sewage initially affected gut of big fish SCAMPI
Trunk examinations -- not right on time SEACHEST
Turning to smother daughter in act of flattery WHEEDLING
Vehicle returned -- still missing one item on forecourt? RACQUET