The New Yorker - Aug 27 2018

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Clues Answers
"Cast Away" construction RAFT
"The Barrel-Organ" poet NOYES
"The great corrupter of public men": Dean Acheson EGO
"The Help" actress Tyson CICELY
"The Myth of Sisyphus" author CAMUS
Act as mediator STEPIN
Anguished sound WAIL
Band that plays music? AUDIOTAPE
Bathtub-drain formation EDDY
Be entitled to MERIT
Beehive keeper? HAIRSPRAY
Betray amazement STARE
Blackbeard's first name EDWARD
Camera operator's device CRANE
Capitalized word in many prayers HIM
Cause of hand-wringing WOE
Close by ATHAND
Company with the slogan "Zoom Zoom" MAZDA
Convert ALTER
Cops, to robbers HEAT
Course pro? CHEF
Daily show, often SOAPOPERA
Descendant of Jacob ISRAELITE
Directly in one's path DEADAHEAD
First explorer to reach the South Pole AMUNDSEN
Go astray ERR
Golddigger's plot CLAIM
Grassy expanse LLANO
His record of seven golds in one Olympics was beaten by Michael Phelps MARKSPITZ
House of Aragon? CASA
Hugh ___ (early French king) CAPET
Impressionist's work APERY
Clues Answers
In the meantime UNTILTHEN
Instrument whose name means "little trumpet" CLARINET
Internee at Devil's Island, 1895-99 DREYFUS
Jill's portrayer on "Charlie's Angels" FARRAH
Large vessel AORTA
Like rare gases INERT
Liv ___ (ironically named "iZombie" heroine) MOORE
Loading area DOCK
Lovers exchange them MASHNOTES
Machine-to-machine connection LINKUP
Makes known AIRS
Manual skill CRAFT
Motorway speeder's downfall RADARTRAP
Native to a region ENDEMIC
Objective END
Oslo Accords group, briefly PLO
Poke fun at KID
Present accompaniment CARD
Recovers from a swoon COMESTO
Remark after losing a third wheel ALONEATLAST
Return to after departing HAUNT
Run out of gas TIRE
Sat in sullen silence BROODED
Short-term storage space for data DISKCACHE
Simple number DITTY
Slip-on with a slot PENNYLOAFER
Small role in a Marvel film? ANTMAN
Solo partner CHEWBACCA
Stone with stripes AGATE
Sure winner LOCK
Tree of life's location EDEN
Viscount's superior EARL
Without formal training UNTUTORED