The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 1152

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Clues Answers
A jar containing rice for the most part, or fruit APRICOT
Advocate’s mail found in a pile, half missing APOSTLE
Amorous affair of family member on QE2? RELATIONSHIP
Coped with ice somehow that was attached to hose CODPIECE
Criticise author after change of heart PAN
Diarist has a furtive look, they say PEPYS
Doctor home at ten, worn out moth-eaten
Dropout Charlie banned from fast-food joint HIPPY
Estuaries regularly neglected? You bet SURE
Fancy telling niece what MI6 is after! INTELLIGENCE
Gossip about Panama producer? CHATTER
I don’t know way through mountains PASS
Irritated butcher one November day ANNOYED
Clues Answers
Money matters MEANS
Pictures of retreating men obstructing US agents CINEMA
Rebuild ancestral city in the north LANCASTER
Reverie produced by putting E in drop of Scotch? DREAM
Sat very still after lady of the night suggested marriage PROPOSED
Shrink back in fear on meeting snake RECOIL
Stomach beginning to tighten? I’m not sure TUM
Supplier of food from rocky terrace CATERER
Teacher of Old Testament, stuck in rut, heading north TUTOR
Ugly sight I witnessed, you might say EYESORE
Uncle Andrew partly Polish, maybe CLEAN
Vegetable sister’s eating? It’s a bit of broccoli SPEAR
Warning from jobcentre lady when coming back ALERT