Universal - Aug 7 2018

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"All ___ being equal ..." ELSE
"Business as ___" USUAL
15-Across highlights ARIAS
All loud and boisterous BRASSY
Altar holders APSES
Angelic kid? No way BRAT
Animated Charlie, for one TUNA
Aromatherapist's collection OILS
Bagpiper's pattern PLAID
Basketry willow OSIER
Cartoon bar owner MOE
Chilling, literally ONICE
Clapton who picks ERIC
Common delivery MAIL
Continental cash EUROS
Corporate emblem LOGO
Creamsicle color ORANGE
Daugava River capital RIGA
Elaborate musical OPERA
Far from often ONCE
Flings into water CASTS
Florida county DADE
Forest conveniences PATHS
Fried or steamed dish RICE
Handy piercer AWL
Harden SET
Head of the firm BOSS
Hip, lit and woke COOL
Ids' complements EGOS
In an awful way BADLY
It's fit for a pig SLOP
Jewish holiday PURIM
Jumping stick POGO
Just makes (with "out") EKES
Lane-to-street facilitator EXIT
Like really wild fans RABID
Linda Ronstadt title word OOH
Clues Answers
Made a butt rest SAT
Made an ugh-ly face GRIMACED
Makes tea STEEPS
Man who goes low BASSO
Medley or mixture OLIO
Mideast Gulf ADEN
Mine valuables ORES
Nearly unhittable Martinez PEDRO
Noggin knocks BOPS
Nutty crackpot LOON
One calling you out UMP
Pennsylvania city ERIE
Perfect IDEAL
Picture puzzle REBUS
Place for flimsy jackets? BOOKCASE
Point to the sky? SPIRE
Prevented a sinking BAILED
Ready to eat DONE
Religious season LENT
Reveal secrets BLAB
Roast-pig events LUAUS
Run way behind BELATE
Scat or scoot BOLT
Scope something out? AIM
Separate APART
Strike violators SCABS
Tidied up, in a way SWEPT
Toot your horn BRAG
Unanimated zombie CORPSE
Units of illumination LUXES
Vibe about a person AURA
Viewed for a bit EYED
Wasn't apathetic CARED
Wire point BARB
Wood, wood, wood TEAKSPRUCEBEECH
Wood, wood, wood PINEOAKMAHOGANY
Wood, wood, wood CEDARBALSAMAPLE
___ vera ALOE