The Washington Post Sunday - Aug 5 2018

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Army of Darkness' director Sam RAIMI
'Edge of Darkness' star Flynn ERROL
'How interesting!' OOH
'How interesting!' ISEE
'It's ___ here!' (homer announcement) OUTTA
'Just be patient' ONESEC
1972 No. 2 single about a manipulative lover USEME
2015 Verizon purchase AOL
Absorb gradually OSMOSE
Actress Bow, when she swam in a shrinking body of water? ARAL
Actress who directed an episode of 125 Across called 'Arkangel' JODIEFOSTER
Alfred who wrote 'The Neurotic Constitution' ADLER
Allies (with) UNITES
Andean transport LLAMA
Aquatic thrust provider FIN
Arab League VIP EMIR
Attacks vigorously ASSAILS
Basis for a personal foul penalty in football LATEHIT
Beat reporter? SNAREDRUM
Biblical queen's locale SHEBA
Biblical tower's locale BABEL
Bird's snack, maybe INSECT
Bisected INTWO
Bonds and others GIANTS
Bright aquarium addition NEONTETRA
British TV series that's illustrated literally in this puzzle BLACKMIRROR
Burger topping? BUN
Bygone Bonn bill, briefly DMARK
Canal setting EAR
Citadel by Red Square KREMLIN
Common Word choice ARIAL
Cookbook command STIR
Cookie cutter? INCISOR
Coppertone letters SPF
Creole staple OKRA
Cry in an escape room AHA
Curving billiards stroke MASSE
Dame preceder NOTRE
Dance and theater, e.g MAJORS
Dangerous singer SIREN
Devices made for fast and heavy drinking BEERBONGS
Didn't look good? LEERED
Djiboutian's neighbor SOMALI
Dystopian planet inhabitants of film APES
Emulate Hawaii's Kilauea ERUPT
European capital that hosted the 2014 World Choir Games RIGA
Far from dense SPARSE
Fixed, as clogs SOLED
Forecasting signal OMEN
Former NBA star Allen Iverson's nickname THEANSWER
Former prime minister Tony, when he spends money in Iran? RIAL
Former Toyota coupe SOLARA
Game in which some words are forbidden TABOO
Genre for 125 Across SCIENCEFICTION
Get support from LEANON
Gets short with SNAPSAT
GOP center? OLD
Grimm piece TALE
Guy concerned with one's image, briefly PRMAN
Hearth refuse ASH
Hip-hop performances inspired by a flash? SPAR
Idiosyncrasy TIC
Illustrate with dots STIPPLE
Image viewer EYE
Immersed RAPT
Clues Answers
Immunology concerns ALLERGIES
Impressive assortment ARRAY
Imprison EMBAR
Informal term for an adviser of the 43rd president BUSHIE
Item on 'The Bachelor' ROSE
Lacking in edge TAME
Less well-done WORSE
Magnetic flux symbol PHI
Maker of Spring Waterfall disinfectant spray LYSOL
Maltese meal maker ALPO
Miguel Díaz-Canel's constituents CUBANS
Mocking expressions SNEERS
Model bridge wood BALSA
Mönchengladbach cry ACH
Mount on Armenia's coat of arms ARARAT
Needle holder FIRTREE
Net exchanges, briefly IMS
On the liner, say ASEA
Org. with a Clean School Bus program EPA
Overtook, on foot RANPAST
Paradise of medieval literature AVALON
Part of a city where people talk with a Southern accent? DRAW
Pass the ___ test (have credibility) SMELL
Pennsylvania setting of 'That Thing You Do!' ERIE
Perjury practitioner LIAR
Piece that gets checked KING
Place for Broncos, Chargers and Rams LOT
Poirot's vacation city in 'Death on the Nile' CAIRO
Ponchos and such RAINGEAR
Precept TENET
Prepare to ambush LAYATRAP
Randomizer in 'Mario Party' games DIE
Rawhide, in former Secret Service code REAGAN
Reason to close a window ERROR
Scent from a love god? AMOR
Screenwriter who created 125 Across CHARLIEBROOKER
See 130 Across WILDE
See what I mean? LIPREAD
Shaq's alma mater LSU
Skill claimed by 'Hollywood Medium' Tyler Henry, briefly ESP
Slip by ELAPSE
Solution to any problem CUREALL
Son of Lucious and Cookie, on 'Empire' DRE
Sonic Youth guitarist Thurston MOORE
Source of postgame complaints POORSPORT
Spade or club, e.g TOOL
Start of a soliloquy from a balcony OROMEO
Stern reprimand, metaphorically RIOTACT
Studio caution ONAIR
Tall grove specimen ELM
Taxing experience ORDEAL
They can be induced COMAS
Tired worker's letters TGIF
Title for Ringo Starr SIR
To some small degree ABIT
Tombstone icon EARP
Track on a record? GROOVE
Track strength SPEED
Tries to attract WOOS
Turner in a woodshop LATHE
Ulrich of Metallica LARS
Unlike many interns PAID
Vehicle for Antarctic explorers SNOCAT
Waterfall feature MIST
Weapons taken on away missions PHASERS
With 6 Across, writer who wrote, 'Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes' OSCAR
Witty sort WAG
Writing stuff INK
___ clap (applause that builds gradually) SLOW
___ hammer CLAW
___ tape DEMO
___ Universe MISS