L.A. Times Daily - Apr 27 2009

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Have we __?" MET
"You want the light __ off?" ONOR
1960s Cosby/Culp espionage series ISPY
1998 Sarah McLachlan hit ADIA
Advance slowly CREEP
Andre the Giant, e.g. WRESTLER
Antiquity, once ELD
Art Deco designer ERTE
At the peak of ATOP
Beach drier TOWEL
Bert of "The Wizard of Oz" LAHR
Big name in copiers MITA
Boatloads ATON
Boneless cut FILET
Bracelet site ANKLE
Clear the chalkboard ERASE
Coffee-chocolate mix MOCHA
Considered DEEMED
Corned beef is usually ordered on it RYEBREAD
Counting everything ALLTOLD
Crock-Pot potful STEW
Cut into cubes DICED
Dada pioneer Jean ARP
Deck with a Death card TAROT
Do axels and lutzes SKATE
Doily material LACE
Easy gait LOPE
Fabric fuzz LINT
Fozzie Bear, e.g. MUPPET
Gaucho's rope RIATA
Girl idolizing a pop star, perhaps TEENYBOPPER
Governor Schwarzenegger ARNOLD
Great Salt Lake state UTAH
Gunfighters' graveyard BOOTHILL
Horseshoe-shaped hardware UBOLT
How some tuna is packed INOIL
Ice cream drink MALT
Improvise on stage ADLIB
In what place WHERE
Clues Answers
IV amounts CCS
Jean Auel's "The __ of the Cave Bear" CLAN
Kama __ SUTRA
Labor Day mo. SEPT
Light-skinned FAIR
Litigant SUER
Make haste HIE
Manipulative sort USER
Noisy eater LIPSMACKER
Norse thunder god THOR
Norway's capital OSLO
Not punctual LATE
Oater villain who attacks from hiding BUSHWHACKER
One who's at home on the range COWPUNCHER
Org. that sticks to its guns? NRA
Paper quantity REAM
Patch the lawn, in a way RESOD
Payable DUE
Penny CENT
Queen played by Liz CLEO
Rage IRE
Regret RUE
Rene of "Tin Cup" RUSSO
Roger of "Cheers" REES
Run, as colors in the wash BLEED
Sauna sites SPAS
Somewhat, in music POCO
Suffix with Canaan ITE
Take back, as a public statement RETRACT
Thought IDEA
Throw out of office OUST
Transvaal settler BOER
Use crib notes CHEAT
Uses a hang glider SOARS
Venetian blind part SLAT
Voice between bass and tenor BARITONE
Words after "Hi, honey!" IMHOME
Yawn-inducing speaker BORE
__-bitsy ITSY