The Washington Post - Jul 24 2018

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Clues Answers
'Bless you' prompter ACHOO
'It's __-see!': rave review AMUST
'Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel' network HBO
'__ little teapot ... ' IMA
*'Word on the street is ... ' RUMORHASIT
*Brit's traffic circle ROUNDABOUT
*Opposes in an election RUNSAGAINST
*Welcome news for potential borrowers RATECUT
App that arranges a lift but not a Lyft UBER
Apple discard CORE
Apple from Japan FUJI
Apply, as liniment RUBIN
Assistance AID
Bar bills TABS
Big stars often have big ones EGOS
Blue shades AQUAS
Boxer's sound ARF
Boy band *N__ SYNC
Brewpub orders BEERS
Chess piece that can't move diagonally ROOK
Court great Steffi GRAF
Easily duped NAIVE
Easy putt TAPIN
Ecuador neighbor PERU
Elvis __ Presley ARON
Encourage URGE
Expose BARE
Fiddle (with) FUTZ
Flat-bottomed boats BARGES
Former spouses EXES
Get a feeling SENSE
Gravy thickener ROUX
High behind a cold front, e.g AIRMASS
Hockey legend Gordie HOWE
Hole-making tool AUGER
Icy road risk SKID
Ill-fated Genesis son ABEL
Jazz great Blake EUBIE
Jun. and Jul MOS
Clues Answers
Just making, with 'out' EKING
Kisses and cuddles, in British slang SNOGS
Ladybug food APHID
Magic charm MOJO
Microscope inserts SLIDES
Nine-digit IDs SSNS
Olympics sled LUGE
Opera solo ARIA
Order lots of STOCKUPON
Pan-fry SAUTE
Pasta sauce brand RAGU
Phrase on a heart-healthy food label LESSFAT
Point AIM
Post-op area ICU
Put gas into FUELED
Report card no GPA
River near the Royal Shakespeare Theatre AVON
River through Kazakhstan URAL
Schedule openings SLOTS
Shabbily dressed INRAGS
Shirts from concerts TEES
Simpson trial witness Kato KAELIN
Slap cuffs on NAB
Slap cuffs on MANACLE
Soul singer Hayes ISAAC
Source of pliable wood YEW
Sudden bursts SPATES
Sushi tuna AHI
Take a break REST
Tile type CERAMIC
Tokyo-born Yoko ONO
Toon devil TAZ
Trapped by mundanity ... and hint to the answers to starred clues STUCKINARUT
Upper limbs ARMS
Weather-related Native American ceremony RAINDANCE
Wordless 'okay' NOD
Yankees' manager Aaron BOONE
__ Heels: UNC team TAR
__ sign: = EQUAL