The Guardian - Quiptic crossword No 972 - Jul 1 2018

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Clues Answers
1,000 guards injured around top of trench by a second chemical weapon MUSTARDGAS
A 'thank you' in tribe's language CATALAN
A guy's gone out to find somewhere to pray SYNAGOGUE
Animal fur, allegedly HARE
Anticipation surrounding a spot for alfresco dining? PATIO
Bird found in pram with giant wheels PTARMIGAN
Bone damaged by unknown in a dark wood EBONY
Chairs get rearranged in German parliament once REICHSTAG
Charge less when peacekeepers visit the German part of prison, reportedly UNDERSELL
Doctor won't go to Home Office with application for somewhere to live TOWNHOUSE
Emblem featuring tailless animal BADGE
Examine top of Primark dress PROBE
Following hit, let's repair joint in man-of-war BATTLESHIP
Former partner in newspaper returned bond NEXUS
Good English furniture is within reach GETABLE
Increase in integral neckwear returned ENLARGE
Clues Answers
Keen to get piece of plant to propagate CUTTING
Kinky colonel wrapping feminine garment over part of upper body COLLARBONE
Lacking water without a cart DRAY
Live with wife in a valley DWELL
Nocturnal creature sitting on hot tub BATH
Number assigned to setter's European candidate NOMINEE
Payment returned to southern artists? DRAWERS
Segregate parts of a seasonal offering EASTEREGG
Should say type of verb AUXILIARY
Siren seen by casual worker at lock TEMPTRESS
Snapshot featuring a new alarm PANIC
Suspender for stocking? CLOTHESPEG
Tenor with awkward gait delivers silly talk TWADDLE
Unpredictable measure said to be used by part of hospital WAYWARD
Virus close to waste pipe FLUE
Went on horseback to old exhibition of cowboy skills RODEO