The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,042 - Jun 21 2018

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Clues Answers
Animals slumbered uneasily without bed LEMURS
At home with minimal cash, the setter has motivation INCENTIVE
Avenger somehow settled score ENGRAVE
Book collection and a thousand paintings maybe in extra arty city area MONTMARTRE
Case of fruit placed outside Roman square DATIVE
Chemical's essential quality featured in report KETONE
City with modern lights, minimal energy being consumed LEEDS
Container of drug that is nasty, we hear VIAL
Emphasising what a consistently poor batsman is doing? UNDERSCORING
Flourish as scoundrel with dreadful clue one penned CURLICUE
Garment an abomination putting me off -- no brand to follow CRINOLINE
Ghastly and horribly pale? Get suntan relaxing outside UNPLEASANT
Guide quietly leading the girl maybe into outhouse SHEPHERD
Havin' intimate relations in the morning MATIN
Hoi polloi in marches? DEMOS
Clues Answers
Host needs to call maiden back, having been cut off prematurely RINGMASTER
Law enforcers on ship with soldiers who will make legal claim? POSSESSOR
Like a lads' party journalist organised STAGED
Mark loses heart in a state of stupor COMA
Movers exciting Don Quixote? Initially the old man dances PAVANES
Nerdy type teaches Harry new tricks maybe TRAINSPOTTER
Our group, going into shed, stop for a while SUSPEND
Put down using language that's heartless LAIN
Recommending a holy condition, I render hymn perhaps ADVISING
Spooner's named boy, boy in crazy fashion LIKEMAD
Stars appearing after spring -- see them on cricket fields BOUNDARIES
Sweet dog lacking tail with leader at the front NOISETTE
Top layer in old British firm no good ICING
What causes hallucinations? Claim seen to be false MESCALINE
Woman with upper hand, getting husband for daughter LEAH