The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 7675

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Clues Answers
African desert SAHARA
Balkan state BOSNIA
Bitterly critical VITRIOLIC
Capital of Egypt CAIRO
Cereal crop RYE
Circular or spherical ROUND
French wine district CHAMPAGNE
Garden flower LOBELIA
Garden flower ROSE
Greatly surprise ASTOUND
Help AID
Indian fried dish BHAJI
Lines from a circle's centre RADII
Clues Answers
Make a journey TRAVEL
Make, generate CREATE
New York island MANHATTAN
Not severe or harsh MILD
Paris museum; slat LOUVRE
Portuguese island MADEIRA
Saunter AMBLE
Scots estate owner LAIRD
Shoe mender COBBLER
Smelling bad NOISOME
Soft hat; lid CAP
Strange RUM
Valuable possessions ASSETS