- Apr 5 2009

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Clues Answers
''Are you __ out?'' INOR
''Battle Hymn'' repeated word GLORY
''Cool!'' RAD
''Darn it!'' NUTS
''It's like this . . .'' YOUSEE
''Lonely Boy'' singer ANKA
''See ya!'' CIAO
''Spider-Man'' series director RAIMI
10-cent portrait FDR
2004 Will Smith film IROBOT
Actress Paquin ANNA
Alternative-medicine plant SAWPALMETTO
Author Wallace LEW
Backpack part STRAP
Bamboozle CON
Bard's nightfall EEN
Bath powders TALCS
Be dependent (on) RELY
Beeswax product LIPBALM
Blink of an eye SEC
Breakfast pastry PRUNEDANISH
Cannes condiment SEL
Casino mogul Steve WYNN
Churl CAD
City near Epcot ORLANDO
Civil War insignia CSA
Come up short OWE
Commuting group VANPOOL
Consider in detail ANALYZE
Corfu's locale IONIANSEA
Corn buys EARS
Cubs Hall of Famer HACKWILSON
Cyclotron bit ION
Dairy-label abbr. USDA
Darker than dim UNLIT
Dramatically realistic SLICEOFLIFE
Dryly amusing WRY
Egyptian amulet SCARAB
Elementary piano piece CHOPSTICKS
Enter or Caps Lock KEY
Equinox mo. SEP
Erstwhile airline EASTERN
Espresso spot CAFE
Exactly like this JUSTSO
Fabergé Egg collector TSAR
Family-tree members ANCESTORS
Farmland, for instance ACRES
French lawmaking body SENAT
Gargantuan GIANT
Genesis locale ARARAT
Gift that's strung LEI
Glitzy wrap BOA
Good market news UPTREND
Greek-salad topper FETA
Gridiron situation FIRSTDOWN
Happy-face symbols SMILEYS
Have a bawl CRY
Have life ARE
Heartfelt SINCERE
Hold 'em holding ONEPAIR
Improper, in a way LEWD
In days past AGO
Jack of ''The Great Dictator'' OAKIE
James of ''Las Vegas'' CAAN
Japanese carp KOI
Josh KID
Josh RIB
Keep safe DEFEND
Kingdom near Fiji TONGA
Largemouth bass, for one SUNFISH
Clues Answers
Lash of old westerns LARUE
Leaf gatherer RAKE
Legal claim LIEN
Lights-out tune TAPS
Like a square NERDY
Longshoreman DOCKWORKER
Maine campus town ORONO
Marcus' partner NEIMAN
Microwave feature TIMER
Mil. posts FTS
Mysterious field phenomena CROPCIRCLES
No, to Natasha NYET
Noisy puppy YAPPER
Non's opposite OUI
Oklahoma athlete SOONER
Old as the hills HOARY
Orch. section STR
Ore. clock setting PST
Pasta, in brand names RONI
Pittsburgh Pirate great, familiarly MAZ
Polite interruption AHEM
Polynesian carving TIKI
Priestly vestment ALB
Put up with STAND
Quarterback Manning ELI
Quick-witted SMART
Recite SAY
Refuse to patronize BOYCOTT
Resembling AKINTO
Ripped to pieces TOREUP
Ritzy POSH
Sausage alternative BACON
Screen legend Lillian GISH
Sculptured form BUST
Shady businesses CLIPJOINTS
Since ASOF
Slangy denial NAH
Small matter TRIFLE
Snooker sphere CUEBALL
Sometimes called AKA
Soul singer Hendryx NONA
Squash variety ACORN
St. Paul or Minneapolis TWINCITY
Stays attached ADHERES
Storage space CLOSET
Study intently PEERAT
Swallows up ENGULFS
Take a Vail trail SKI
Take in, perhaps ALTER
Tedious enumeration LITANY
Tennis pro Roddick ANDY
Tiny tunnelers ANTS
Tipplers SOTS
Toledo's lake ERIE
Tolkien tree-beings ENTS
Too sweet CLOYING
TV adjuncts VCRS
Twice tetra- OCTO
Uncomplicated CUTANDDRIED
Unexpected victory UPSET
Voting no ANTI
Well-suited APT
Wig styles AFROS
Windowpane's place SASH
Wine casks TUNS
Witch, to Shakespeare HAG
Zellweger of ''Chicago'' RENEE
__ cluster (military award) OAKLEAF
__ Park, CO ESTES
__ Tin Tin RIN