The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27045

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Clues Answers
Boxer's possible target, a fragile thing CHINA
Cross — something afoot? MULE
Dark scene, no shape in church NOCTURNE
Dickensian bound by tedious slog DRUDGERY
Filling in action, old TV reporter melted DEFROSTED
Free on account, bitter ACRID
Great seeing first of soldiers in tank VAST
Ground net LAND
Honest chairman's elevated position? above board
In a mess, party formed a coalition CONFUSED
Insect, shell-like, next to carpet EARWIG
Insensitive bully wrote for deputy number two
Keen little twerp's back WEEP
Killed the wrong way, certainly casually? deffo
Letters confiscated by provost yesterday — sore point? STYE
Clues Answers
Moor in ageless US city ANCHOR
Norse god a bit rubbish BALDERDASH
Nude friars dancing for charity event fund-raiser
Oil referee put out? whistlers mother
Old sailor aged, so wrinkly sea dog
Opener dropped on one, relieved initially DOOR
Potential killer in family into mob violence rifle shot
Renowned — as is musical work? NOTED
Rescuer put cat on lithium LIFELINE
Something sending elderly relative to sleep? Answer where nothing’s spoken grand opera
Spanish architect set out to be most vulgar GAUDIEST
Speaking too soon, American entering incorrect format, Sod's law! famous last words
Stoop to collect small drawing DESIGN
Subjects right about English beauty LIEGEMEN
Vessel covered in omelette, perhaps, not perfectly upright? bow-legged