The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 7640

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Clues Answers
Absurd pretence CHARADE
Asian vegetable adzuki bean
Endures LASTS
Extend over (an area) COVER
Fibrous protein in connective tissue COLLAGEN
Finally once and for all
Foolish person ASS
Greek god ZEUS
Gulping down SWALLOWING
Hindu god AGNI
Hindu god SIVA
Indeterminately roundish BLOBBY
Clues Answers
Involving clearly defined issues black-and-white
Legislative body CONGRESS
Locust tree CAROB
Lower back pain LUMBAGO
Male sheep RAM
Movement in slow time ADAGIO
Park or forest keepers RANGERS
Pilgrim to Mecca HADJI
Relating to horses EQUINE
Roman god MARS
Scandinavian god THOR
Scandinavian god ODIN
Timepieces CLOCKS