The Guardian - Quiptic crossword No 963 - Apr 29 2018

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Clues Answers
Altogether in agreement INUNISON
America's code translated as 'cold drink' ICECREAMSODA
Dirty look at you and me one year after LOUSY
Done with steering gear in swamp OVERWHELM
Fashionable and neat, perhaps: it's natural INNATE
Furore over weird report on nameless member of the Brownshirts STORMTROOPER
GPO is now rationalised but it's taking a nosedive SWOOPING
Great ape at first moved quickly, then panted heavily GASPED
It's more unpleasant having tails wagging, as drink circulates BEASTLIER
Londoner (academic) left to become a hermit LONER
Lot involved in new trial of pancake TORTILLA
Lovers' meeting in country style TRYST
Manuscript from old library in Oxford initially FOLIO
One bails out, having excuses for not being there ALIBIS
Clues Answers
One running errands for Chinese game umpire who's retired GOFER
Otherwise neat, fancy decoration ORNATE
PC Wood's errors knocked over writing and editing system WORDPROCESSOR
Person with property who lives at home OWNEROCCUPIER
Rugged region of old-time American movies WILDWEST
Santa's little helpers belong to us first — us personally! OURSELVES
Sew around or it gets more difficult WORSE
Shoppers pay out with hesitation? Sure, just to start with! SPENDERS
Son goes in, waits in narrower parts WAISTS
Sort out introverts and turn back INVERT
Steeped valued spice first MACERATED
Summons a number at university recorded WRITTENUP
Ugly view unsettling us nightly UNSIGHTLY
Woman with devotion for sweetheart LADYLOVE