The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 1,324 - Apr 15 2018

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Clues Answers
-- I, King of Wessex from 866 to 871 ETHELRED
-- upon Dearne, small town north of Rotherham WATH
-- Way, Roman road from Lincoln to Exeter FOSSE
1952 film starring Charlie Chaplin LIMELIGHT
As much as a large tea container will hold URNFUL
Baron Wilson of -- RIEVAULX
Brownish-purple or deep purplish-pink PUCE
Chemical vessel used in distillation CUCURBIT
Christmas in Christmas cards perhaps NOWELL
Drifting organisms in the sea PLANKTON
Ella --, 1917-96, US jazz singer FITZGERALD
Fictitious city of gold ELDORADO
Gare du --, station in Paris NORD
Greek poet c310-c250BC, creator of ancient bucolic poetry THEOCRITUS
Hereditary particle Darwin postulated in his theory of pangenesis GEMMULE
Clues Answers
Lady's name from a Germanic source YVETTE
Latin name for Switzerland HELVETIA
Lion-tailed macaque of India WANDEROO
Member of a nomadic Berber people in the Sahara Desert TUAREG
Oratorio by Sir Michael Tippett (1,5,2,3,4) ACHILDOFOURTIME
Part of graph along which x-coordinate is plotted XAXIS
Plant of the ginger family used as a dye TURMERIC
Relating to funeral processions EXEQUIAL
Scottish word for a tumult or disturbance STRAMASH
Slang expression for television IDIOTBOX
Street in London between Aldwych and High Holborn DRURYLANE
Title applied by Christians to Jesus SAVIOUR
Unit equivalent to one eighth of the sky area OCTA
Welsh pop singer with hit 'It's Not Unusual' in 1965 TOMJONES