The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27001

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Clues Answers
A small point about sailors and soldiers getting decoration ADORNMENT
Attacker expressing a further requirement RIDER
Currently arts graduate is engaged in tin representation of figure SNOWMAN
Dealing with plates smashed in alarm LAMINAR
Different person in lead to get vegetable POTHERB
Discover what's upsetting for one couple about current group get wise to
Dodgy reputation not unknown around a lot of political party NOTORIETY
Drama to increase around element of education in kindergarten? PLAYGROUP
Expression of good fighter pilot on edge? GRIMACE
Heads for vacation often during spare time, showing wish for travel bon voyage
Marine creature covering a marine area, nothing less CRUSTACEAN
Minimal cut in study SCAN
Neat, adopting island's clan system TRIBALISM
Open sandwiches are commonly initially ham OVERACT
Popular lawyer making only key points in brief
Clues Answers
Praise writer about two separate articles PAEAN
Pretty girl: note my rising power over hearts NYMPH
Put down pen, heart being overwhelmed by end of verse QUELL
Quiet revolution not 100% able to turn the dominant flow prevailing wind
Rather like methods of preservation? Shrewd CANNY
Religious figure showing esprit? high priest
Representative in European city upset ruler EMPEROR
Sadly cannot irrigate unfamiliar ground terra incognita
Sausage returned after one’s dropped — start again RENEW
Something irritating in opening chatter tear gas
Story about African politicians, one that's quite attractive FANCIABLE
Subset of the chosen 22? ECHO
Vegetable, cold and tough CHARD
Very keen about displaying religious attitude? Get away! hop it
What French will accept a routine formal dance? QUADRILLE