- Mar 12 2009

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Gotcha!'' AHA
''NASCAR Now'' channel ESPN
''__ does it!'' THAT
Altar vow IDO
Apartment instrument UPRIGHTPIANO
As well ALSO
As well TOO
Bard's ''before'' ERE
Baseball great Reese PEEWEE
Bauer of outerwear EDDIE
Big Apple tennis stadium ASHE
Big fuss ADO
Blackmore heroine DOONE
Boxer Laila ALI
Chowder morsel CLAM
Clear away ERASE
College sr.'s test GRE
Comic Charlotte RAE
Cruise stopover ISLE
Daisy __ Yokum MAE
Director Preminger OTTO
Elk relative MOOSE
Favorable forecast FAIRWEATHER
Feminizing suffix ETTE
Flips a condo, maybe RESELLS
Forum greeting AVE
Free-for-all MELEE
Gets wind of HEARS
Glowing review RAVE
Got wind of DETECTED
GPS screen display MAP
Gridder Manning ELI
Grow dim FADE
Guess, for short EST
Guided a gondola POLED
Hawaiian sleuth CHAN
Hosp. areas ORS
It may be ''the word'' MUM
Clues Answers
Italian wine spot ASTI
Lab maze runners RATS
Landscaper's tool MOWER
Like some veal MILKFED
Like thrift-shop wares USED
Meadow male RAM
MGM beast LION
Mill input GRIST
Mogul CZAR
Nativity trio MAGI
New Haven student YALIE
Offer, as odds LAY
One to hang out with PAL
Only one-syllable state name MAINE
Packed away EATEN
Place for tame animals PETTINGZOO
Polo or Hatcher TERI
Prescription, for short MED
Ready to doze SLEEPYEYED
Really rotten FOUL
Rooster topper COMB
Rural swimming spot CREEK
Salon goop GEL
Sheepish look GRIN
Signifies CONNOTES
Simple card game WAR
Sleepover attire PJS
Smelter input ORE
Soothing stuff ALOE
String-section members CELLI
Sunday service MASS
Tart fruit SLOE
Teacher's deg. EDD
They're coming to you JUSTDESERTS
Timeline divisions ERAS
Twin of Jacob ESAU
Utah city OREM
Writer Bombeck ERMA
__ Range (iron-rich region) MESABI