The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 1,315 - Feb 11 2018

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Clues Answers
'The Tale of Mr -- Fisher', Beatrix Potter JEREMY
-- Desert, desert between Nile Valley and Red Sea in Sudan NUBIAN
Anita --, novelist and art historian BROOKNER
Crime mystery story WHODUNIT
Ebenezer, a mean or miserly person SCROOGE
Follower of John Wycliffe, 14th-century religious reformer LOLLARD
Frances Mary --, author of 'Life at the Extremes' ASHCROFT
German count with jurisdiction over a territory LANDGRAVE
German manufacturer of high-performance sports cars PORSCHE
High-intensity flashing light STROBE
Hole emitting gases in a volcanic region FUMAROLE
Humphrey --, 1899-1957, US film actor BOGART
In 1940 to 1942 an adherent of French Government ruling unoccupied part of France VICHYITE
Marine spiny-finned sucking-fish REMORA
Clues Answers
Mount in Alaska, the highest in North America MCKINLEY
Place near Hamath mentioned in Numbers 13:21 Rehob
Poem in four books by John Keats ENDYMION
Region from Armenia to Arabia considered to be the cradle of civilisation FERTILECRESCENT
Relating to Rhineland-Palatinate RHENISH
Republic on the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa CAMEROON
River and Gloucestershire village in the Cotswolds EVENLODE
Term for a debauchee, shortened in a Hogarth work RAKEHELL
Town and province in Veneto region of north-east Italy ROVIGO
Venetian merchant who explored Asia in the 13th century MARCOPOLO
Vestment worn over cassock EPHOD
Wife of Orpheus in Greek mythology EURYDICE
William --, 1809-88, English antiquary Chappell