- Feb 2 2009

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Clues Answers
''Doggone it!'' DRAT
''Shoo!'' SCAT
Accept as a tenant LEASETO
Alternative to suspenders BELT
Ankle-length skirt MAXI
Apple and coconut custard PIES
Approximately ABOUT
Arrested RANIN
Bench, for one SEAT
Black bird RAVEN
Boarded, as a bus GOTON
Breadbasket item ROLL
Bride's new title, often MRS
British ''Bye-bye!'' TATA
Church-bell sound PEAL
Clothes-pressing appliance IRON
Creme-filled cookie OREO
Deputy's shield BADGE
Dessert in a mold JELLO
Detest ABHOR
Distribute the cards DEAL
Fender-bender result DENT
Fire-hydrant attachments HOSES
Fisherman's major purchase NEWBOAT
Free-for-all MELEE
Gallery display ARTWORK
Gets rid of THROWSAWAY
Gets rid of TOSSESOUT
Gets rid of PARTSWITH
Gets rid of CASTSASIDE
Got some shuteye SLEPT
Grassy area LAWN
Hardly any SCANT
Hardly __ (rarely) EVER
Helped with the blackboard ERASED
High-five sound SLAP
Hot-dog holders BUNS
Inventor's protection PATENT
Italian coin EURO
Clues Answers
Just slightly ATAD
Laundry woe STAIN
Leg joint KNEE
Lends a hand AIDS
Major happening EVENT
Make amends ATONE
Maui or Kauai ISLE
Move sneakily CREEP
Neither's partner NOR
Office note MEMO
Old-time oath EGADS
Opera solo ARIA
Picks up the tab PAYS
Prefix for marketing TELE
Private's superior, informally SARGE
Pub servings BEERS
Puts through a strainer PUREES
Reckless run MADDASH
Residence ABODE
Said ''cheese'' SMILED
Sewing-needle feature HOLE
Sign up for JOIN
Sneaky scheme RUSE
Soothing ointment SALVE
Squealed (on) RATTED
Take up a hem, perhaps ALTER
Tax-collecting org. IRS
Teacher's request SEEME
Terrycloth garments ROBES
Thin opening SLIT
U-turn from NNW SSE
Use a vegetable peeler PARE
Wedding words IDO
Wedding-cake layer TIER
Wheel connector AXLE
Window coverings with slats BLINDS
Without a guarantee ASIS
Wriggly swimmer EEL
__ Paulo, Brazil SAO