Family Time - Oct 9 2005

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''I ___ lineman for the county'' AMA
24 hours DAY
A hot drink may be served from it COFFEEPOT
Aquatic bloodsuckers LEECHES
Assists AIDS
At what time WHEN
Attacks a fly SWATS
Beast or brute CREATURE
Bruce Wayne, to Batman (2 words) ALTEREGO
Certain rodent RAT
Christmas presents for kids TOYS
Color of raw silk ECRU
Cry of dismay ALAS
Dagger handle HILT
Do the dishes WASH
Drifting ice sheet FLOE
Earnest entreaty PLEA
Egg layer HEN
Enticing store sign SALE
Fly on a hook, to bass LURE
Get darker on the beach TAN
Grazing land for sheep LEA
Gulf bordered by Somalia ADEN
Hailed vehicle TAXI
Hair application GEL
Highest card in the deck ACE
Hot drink TEA
It holds a car's wheels AXLE
It's in the center of a ping-pong table NET
It's up one's sleeve ARM
Jacuzzi site SPA
James Bond creator Fleming IAN
Clues Answers
Lacking moisture DRY
Letters of debt IOU
Like a mechanic's rags OILY
Look up and down OGLE
Mermaid's home SEA
Neighbor of Sudan CHAD
Neverland boy, Peter ___ PAN
New prefix NEO
Not in drive or reverse IDLE
Opposite of before AFTER
Opposite of hers HIS
Opposite of nothing ALL
Opposite of polite RUDE
Opposite of sell BUY
Parts of men's formal wear TIES
Salon specialist DYER
Santa's mo DEC
Scandinavian capital OSLO
Skin-cream additive ALOE
Something new in LA? ORLEANS
Something to sleep on BED
St. Louis landmark ARCH
Store, as a ship's cargo STOW
Tastelessly showy GAUDY
Tiny circle DOT
Tiny insect ANT
Treaty signer ALLY
Utter SAY
Valuable gem (2 words) PRECIOUSSTONE
Went to McDonald's ATE
What a toddler is taught to use POTTY
What you gain from going to school EDUCATION
Where cold cuts are cut DELI