Family Time - Jan 6 2004

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Are we there ___?" YET
"Believe it or ___!" NOT
"Born Free" lion ELSA
"Superman 2" actress Margot KIDDER
"We ___ the champions" ARE
Actor Mineo and namesakes SALS
Angry MAD
Archie and Jughead attended this high school ELMONT
Barber's shout NEXT
Batman's hideout CAVE
Bread spread OLEO
British "water closet" LOO
Castle material at the beach SAND
Caustic cleaner LYE
Chicken ___ king (2 words) ALA
Cooped (up) PENT
Edgar Allan ___ POE
Enmeshed TANGLED
Eye part UVEA
Fish's respiratory organ GILL
Flooded with water AWASH
Funny Costello LOU
Gear for a boxer GLOVES
Gear for a cowboy HAT
Gear for a football player HELMET
Gear for a gymnast LEOTARD
Gear for a hockey goalie MASK
Gear for a jockey SADDLE
Gear for a skateboarder KNEEPAD
Gear for a slalom racer (2 words) SKICAP
Gear for baseball sluggers BATS
Go into hysterics RANT
Hi-___ graphics RES
Clues Answers
Hibatchi residue ASH
Historical time ERA
Hunt of "Twister" HELEN
Inquire ASK
Inter ___ ALIA
Jai ___ ALAI
Lethargic INERT
MGM lion LEO
Neck and neck EVEN
Nursery-rhyme pocketful RYE
Opposite of fat, in meats LEAN
Orange coating RIND
Panic, in slang BUGOUT
Parcel of land LOT
Phone attachment? TELE
Play-___ (kids' modeling compound) DOH
Prefix for profit NON
Sportscaster Berman LEN
Straight ___ arrow (2 words) ASAN
Summer in Paris ETE
Summit APEX
Tel ___, Israel AVIV
The Red Planet MARS
Untold centuries EON
Valuable resource ASSET
VCR insertion TAPE
Wash with bleach WHITEN
White frost HOAR
Windy City trains ELS
Writing fluid INK
Young man LAD
___ Angeles LOS