Family Time - Dec 4 2003

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"A Doll's House" heroine NORA
"Chestnuts roasting ___ open fire" ONAN
"The Cosby Show" son THEO
"Winnie the ___" POOH
"___ Leroy" (Frances Harper) IOLA
Action figure for boys GIJOE
Actress Hagen UTA
Bodybuilder Ferrigno LOU
Brownie, a few years later CADETTE
Catch NAB
City map PLAT
Civil War General MEADE
Comet competitor AJAX
Cool, in the '50s HEP
Copycat MIMIC
Crooned a tune SANG
Doe's dear? STAG
Dove sound COO
Elephant tusk IVORY
Elsie's comment MOO
Eve's Grandson ENOS
Every single one ALL
First-___ kit AID
Food for Rover ALPO
Footwear for playing basketball GYMSHOE
Four abbreviated months AUGOCTSEPTJAN
Four abbreviated months APRMAYNOVJULY
Four abbreviated months JUNEMARDECFEB
Fuel for a car GAS
Had lunch ATE
Happy GLAD
Jeans fabric DENIM
Clues Answers
Little green men of fiction ETS
Marks given on incorrect answers EXES
Mischievous elf IMP
Neighbor of GA FLA
Nick and Nora's pooch ASTA
Notable time period ERA
Novelist Ferber EDNA
Obtain GET
One of Alcott's "Little Women" AMY
One of the Beverly Hillbillies JED
One way to get an answer ASK
Part of a poem VERSE
Perry Mason was one (Abbr) ATT
Popeye's yes AYE
Possess the throne REIGN
Practice boxing SPAR
Questionable IFFY
Restore to health CURE
Singing club GLEE
Stratagem PLOY
Take a chance DARE
Tex to Fla. hwy ITEN
Travel permit VISA
Tropical root TARO
Twenty-four hours DAY
Untrue statements LIES
Use an oven ROAST
Woman of a stuttering song KATY
Word on a fuse AMP
Wrath IRE
Young follower? STER
___ Blanc, in the Alps MONT