L.A. Times Magazine - Jan 18 2009

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Clues Answers
"Bewitched" aunt CLARA
"Born on the Fourth of July" activist KOVIC
"Giant" author et al. EDNAS
"Give us ___" AKISS
"Life is ___ dream" BUTA
"Once a week, that's all ___" WEASK
"Welcome to the islands" ALOHA
"___ Hot Tin Roof" CATONA
"___ roll!" (winner's cry) IMONA
1983 Streisand film YENTL
22 Across et al. ROLES
: ) in an e-mail GRIN
A word for our side YAY
Acapulco article LOS
Aleutian island ADAK
Assigner of G's and R's MPAA
Avis rival ALAMO
Bank (on) RELY
Bawl (out) CHEW
Bedazzle AWE
Bedazzle AMAZE
Beelike APIAN
Bern's river AARE
Bigger than med. LGE
Bolshoi rival KIROV
Botches MUFFS
Boy in a family feud ROMEO
Carol's contraction TIS
Chan portrayer OLAND
Charles, for one LAKE
Cherry red CERISE
Choice for Hamlet TOBE
Coal addition ESCE
Collector of a sort PACKRAT
Craft for one KAYAK
Creator of Billy Bones: inits. RLS
Crop up ARISE
Dinner companion? MOVIE
Ear woe OTITIS
Economic guesses FORECASTS
Elizabeth I's love ESSEX
End of a game ALAI
Essence GIST
Expunge anew REERASE
Fit for duty ABLE
Fleetwoods hit of 1959 MRBLUE
Game delayer RAIN
Game with a goalkeeper WATERPOLO
Game with a goalkeeper SOCCER
Garlic-breath reducer PARSLEY
Gecko snack INSECT
Gillette razors ATRAS
Given the go-ahead OKD
GOP fund-raising org. RNC
Harp's cousin LYRE
Hazel's boss, to Hazel MRB
Health bar ingredient CAROB
Hippo's tail? DROME
Hoover, for one FBIMAN
How a certain pronoun is often pronounced ARS
Huge hit SMASH
Intro to notch or tree UPA
Island from which Tiberius ran the Roman Empire CAPRI
Israel's first king SAUL
Japanese port to take A TOUR of? OTARU
Julius's avenger MARC
Lasting mark SCAR
Legal eagles' league: abbr. ABA
Less stressed SERENER
Line of cliffs SCARP
Clues Answers
Literature Nobelist ___ Fo DARIO
Loaded RICH
Low-iron conditions ANEMIAS
Make national headlines, e.g. BEBIG
Make quiche, e.g. BAKE
Marriott rival HYATT
Mediterranean isl. SAR
Menu words ALA
Midway alternative OHARE
Mil. mail drop APO
Mill product TEXTILE
More than a party ORGY
More than just unfamiliar ALIEN
Not straight UNALIGNED
Noted singer who doesn't do live concerts ENYA
Noted spokescow ELSIE
Obama's favorite 1940s comedy? ROADTOBARACKO
Obama's favorite activist? ERINBARACKOVICH
Obama's favorite announcements? BARACKLAMATIONS
Obama's favorite Bobby Brown song? MYBARACKATIVE
Obama's favorite dish? BARACKOLIANDCHEESE
Obama's favorite disinfectant? HYDROGENBARACKXIDE
Obama's favorite performers? BARACKSTARS
Obama's favorite viewing device? BARACKULARS
Obi-Wan portrayer ALEC
Offshoot of a sort SECT
On the ___ LAM
Org. for RV families KOA
Pan's opposite RAVE
Part of a fleet fleet JET
Pertaining to hair PILAR
Place to gambol LEA
Played with Penguins SKATED
Positive feedback? YESES
Pre-cable woe SNOW
Protein messenger RNA
React robotically OBEY
Rehab, often DETOX
San Francisco daily, briefly CHRON
Second column, when adding TENS
See 64 Across BARACKRACY
Sheet music abbr. AMIN
Sheet music abbr. AMAJ
Ship's lockup BRIG
Sign of a 14 Across SRO
Skull and Bones member, e.g. ELI
Somewhat ABIT
Southern ___ CAL
Stadium features TIERS
Start of a legal conclusion? IREST
Start of the Beatles' walrus song IAMHE
Strongly felt KEEN
Teach-in org. of '65 SDS
The nanny in "The Nanny" FRAN
The Phillies division, in sports shorthand NLEAST
Tony role for Patti EVITA
Tony winner Caldwell ZOE
Tribal warrior BRAVE
Trough site STY
TV offering: abbr. PROG
Two-thirds of a laugh HOHO
Ultimate in unpleasantness WORST
Union members? STATES
Vintner's valley NAPA
Wanted-poster option DEAD
Way to go: Abbr. RTE
Wild about INTO
With 67 Across, Obama's favorite D.C. target? GOVERNMENT
Word like "Serv" in store names SAV
Yacht wood TEAK