The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 28,651 - Feb 1 2018

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Clues Answers
'Knight time' -- humorous feature in advertising? NEONLIGHT
'Small' bet with grand in boastful style SWAGGER
A sincere canon's arranged initial survey RECONNAISSANCE
A voluntary group see ship in confusion ATALOSS
Admission in course of dinner? ENTREE
At home, tight-knit group pens note privately? INSECRET
Car and tree obscured row of houses TERRACE
Cockney has to enter old stronghold that's rather inferior OFASORT
Cross mongrel HYBRID
Crucial factor for a chef in style TASTE
Drink and spoil a ceremonial event almost in Georgia MARGARITA
Fashionable to conceal trouble at rising type of restaurant ITALIAN
First woman carrying official document recalled as devious EVASIVE
Flight case? STAIRWELL
Hot and bothered author in hotel, irritatingly sanctimonious HOLIERTHANTHOU
Clues Answers
Loathsome act surrounding trial DETESTED
Managed to get on top of St Paul's, say, briefly -- that's irregular RANDOM
Maybe Indian company brought up English article OCEAN
Means of communication developed in chalet CHATLINE
Motivated swarm of people DROVE
Mutual action in The Caretaker, for instance? Not initially INTERPLAY
Noted painting represented animals round circle MONALISA
Perhaps fat Greek character will accompany one in river NUTRIENT
Revenue including award close to unbelievable INCOME
Section of libretto's captivating in opera TOSCA
Stylish seconds displayed by marketplace SMART
Tedium of bridge opponents facing night in Calais without end ENNUI
Term in EU devised for one defying authority MUTINEER
Tribal lot round port producing kind of trumpet CLARION
US city showing elegance in the past CHICAGO