L.A. Times Daily - Jan 9 2009

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Clues Answers
"Flashdance" star (h,h) BEALS
"No more!" (h,h) UNCLE
"Oy __!" (m) VEY
22-Across site (m) BOD
Antarctica's Marie __ Land (h) BYRD
Back muscle, familiarly (m) LAT
Borders line (m) SCIFI
Break (m) RIFT
Concrete-reinforcing rod (h,h) REBAR
Country club VIP (m) PRO
Cross words (h) SPAT
Dashed off (h,h) WROTE
Daytona warmup circuit (h) PACELAP
Dragsters' org. (h) NHRA
Drift gently (m) WAFT
Entourage (m) RETINUE
Et __ (h) ALIA
Financial page phrase (h) ATPAR
Fishing net (m) TRAWL
Fore-and-aft-rigged vessel (h) SLOOP
Freelancer's encl. (m) SASE
GPS output (h) RTES
Gratis (h,h) NOFEE
Hardly a six-pack? (h,h) POTBELLY
Have the nerve (h) DARE
Info-gathering mission (m) RECON
It may be tipped (h) HAT
Leave in a hurry (m) TAKEOFF
Leaves home? (m) TREE
Left the plane suddenly (m) EJECTED
Legal order (h) WRIT
Like platypuses (h) WEBTOED
Lily-livered (m) YELLOW
Link site (h) CUFF
Lion, for one (h) ROARER
Love handles, so to speak (h) FLAB
Majors in acting (m) LEE
Clues Answers
Mickey's employer, in "Fantasia" (h,h) SORCERER
N.L. batting champ before and after Clemente (h) ALOU
Nolo, e.g. (m) PLEA
Not avoid (h) FACE
Noted sewer (m) BETSY
Off (h) AWRY
One with plenty of baggage (m) REDCAP
Part of the game PATROLBOAT
Part of the game SUBMARINE
Part of the game DESTROYER
Part of the game AIRCRAFTCARRIER
Part of the game, and the game itself BATTLESHIP
Posthumous 1958 Pulitzer-winning author (h) AGEE
President between James and Andrew (m) ABE
Province in which Mao was born (m) HUNAN
QB's error (h) INT
Raines of film (m) ELLA
Seven-time NFL Pro Bowl tackle Warren (m) SAPP
Sharon of Israel (m) ARIEL
Skewered fare (h) KEBAB
Some poets (h,h) ODISTS
Sport with masks (h) EPEE
Spree (m) ORGY
Steal (h) LURK
Tar (m) SWAB
Thames gallery (h) TATE
They're hung on the road (h) UIES
Tram route (h) SHAFT
Turkish chiefs (m) AGHAS
Type (h,h) ENTER
Unreliable communication method (h) GRAPEVINE
Up the creek (h,h) INAJAM
Video-sharing site (m) YOUTUBE
Went (with) (h,h) SIDED
Without warmth (h,h) ICILY
Work benefit (h) PERK
__ for tat (h) TIT