Irish Times (Crosaire) - Jan 11 2018

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Clues Answers
Associate left and the writer uses it to lose the head on drink LINKUP
Behind supporter in part of the stadium in maroon STRAND
Breakdown of Asians travelling around central Ireland with foreign currency ANALYSIS
Brings The Dead to life for the latecomers who have something to say SPIRITUALISM
Church contacts Valerie showing off one of the old order CHEVALIER
Do it leaving infant prodigy sizzling in the kitchen FRYINGPAN
Earn a silly reputation for showing off fighting skills and blood sports ARENA
Had a stab at what happened in court TRIED
Having the same opinion as top lawyer finding drugs hidden by wedding band AGREEING
In retrospect, small march is great for backing representations DIAGRAMS
It's useless describing Old Nick NOGOOD
Little swimmer who can't remember traditionally who is first in the chipper GOLDFISH
Locals look at George as well as Ward GANDER
Minister almost spies what could be a hearty dinner (8'1,3) SHEPHERDSPIE
Clues Answers
Mother Goose loses store? Get out of here! GOHOME
Mouthpiece is first American tenor that is charged for arrangement ORGANISATION
One of those government types with small cool way of keeping the people under the thumb DICTATORSHIP
Power in the Middle East is a little fishy and has a reputation for devouring people PIRANA
Praise for a party reaching quota ADORATION
Record picked up from airport, for example, by fashionable homely type with connections to the Woods LOGCABIN
Regret mixing up Munro MOURN
Shady type welcomes acclaim from department in east Asia THAILAND
Short journeys for most of the academic year for one of those not in the union SPINSTER
Sounds as if old car starts AUDIO
That woman admits broadcast is boring and full of hot air HAIRDRYER
They can generally fix it to pass one of the chromosomes from adult males HANDYMEN
Transfer for end-of-year worker DECANT
Vital statistics for coach going around island from Limerick to Dublin BUILDS