The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 7545

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Clues Answers
Abstaining from alcohol TEETOTAL
Almond liqueur AMARETTO
Antelope IMPALA
Bad stroke in snooker MISCUE
Baltic state LATVIA
Betting stake ANTE
Cured ham GAMMON
Deer's horn ANTLER
Form a mental image of IMAGINE
Formal discussion DEBATE
Gentle; offer TENDER
High-pitched neigh WHINNY
Clues Answers
Last offers ULTIMATA
Liqueur made with eggs ADVOCAAT
Oil of rose petals OTTO
On the sheltered side LEEWARD
Park keeper RANGER
Possessing aptitude TALENTED
Self-important ARROGANT
Short pleasure trip OUTING
Unfortunate UNHAPPY
Vast dark space CAVERN
Worry; business CONCERN