The Sun - Two Speed - Jan 9 2018

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Clues Answers
A birdie? No, better! EAGLE
A crop is produced - commonplace PROSAIC
A second artist turned up with bouquet AROMA
Accepted defeat YIELDED
Anarchic RIOTOUS
Appraise ASSESS
Artist's stand EASEL
Assented (to) AGREED
Augmentation ACCRUAL
Begs for soft metals? PLEADS
Beseeches PLEADS
Bird of prey EAGLE
Bouquet AROMA
Built a home (birds) NESTED
Canoes unsuitable for these bodies of water? OCEANS
City has nothing for ladies' man ROMEO
City of northern France AMIENS
Cloudless CLEAR
Commonplace PROSAIC
Consented to a deadly sin AGREED
Customs duty EXCISE
Cut out duty EXCISE
Divert a source of inspiration AMUSE
Division SEGMENT
Dutiful person in taverns, drunk SERVANT
Entertain AMUSE
Clues Answers
Erect camouflage in Mediterranean island CRETE
Fireplace INGLE
Fools point to judge ASSESS
French city name is changed AMIENS
Get log chopped up to make a wooden button TOGGLE
Guard seen changing overalls DUNGAREES
Healthy and strong LUSTY
Increase gains a wicked hearing ACCRUAL
Infant's overalls DUNGAREES
Ladies' man ROMEO
Large seas OCEANS
Largest Greek island CRETE
Looks at crude rock, an ugly thing EYESORE
Lure with some succulent ice cream ENTICE
Maid or butler SERVANT
One without small fireplace INGLE
Partner in company left association COLLEAGUE
Plain, but bright CLEAR
Produce Edward surrendered YIELDED
Rebellious unruly trio giving love to America RIOTOUS
Settled in street surrounded by poverty NESTED
Some stimulus, type that'll make you vigorous LUSTY
Stand and relax by back of wall EASEL
Supposition THEORY
Supposition on the old railway THEORY
Ugly sight EYESORE
Wedge unruly gents around me SEGMENT
Without girl I held, I'm so sad! WOEISME
Wooden button TOGGLE