Universal - Jan 2 2018

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Clues Answers
"Be Like ___" MIKE
"Country" event FAIR
"Nail" anagram LAIN
A cozy drink? TEA
Abrupt transitions LEAPS
Anticipate AWAIT
Artist Rivera DIEGO
Balder's father ODIN
Be entitled? OWN
Big name in electronics SONY
Bit of bridal wear VEIL
Caesar's bad day IDES
Car front GRILLE
Certain evergreen FIR
Chose or decided OPTED
City in central Japan KYOTO
Collectible RARE
Commencement VIP GRAD
Commercial cow ELSIE
Concerning this, in legalese HEREOF
Crafty CAGY
Dec. 24, e.g EVE
Drink heavily TOPE
Drink like a kitten LAP
Ducks, turkeys and such FOWLS
Erato, for one MUSE
Exotic jelly flavor GUAVA
Flower cluster, as on carrots UMBEL
Ford competitor, once OLDS
Front to "space" AERO
Gladiators' venue ARENA
Gold-holding fort KNOX
Hello or goodbye ALOHA
Helping ones AIDERS
Illegal incentive BRIBE
Ink stain BLOT
Intensify HEATUP
Is dating SEES
Clues Answers
Isolated spot of land ISLE
It can be pressing NEED
Japanese drink SAKE
Jazz legend Fitzgerald ELLA
Jet black ONYX
Launch party? NASA
Leak indicator DRIP
Like some pans ENAMELED
Lion's digs LAIR
Loan offerer BANKER
Long time trailer? AGO
Marchetti or Vannelli GINO
Mortgaged one LIENEE
Muscle-to-bone connector TENDON
Not empty FULL
Office collection? DESKSANDCHAIRS
Office communication? WATERCOOLERCHAT
Office get-together? MEETINGOFMINDS
Old "Gang'? OUR
Old anesthetic ETHER
Paisley of music BRAD
Peruse a book READ
Pizarro's foe INCA
Precious violin STRAD
Raspy breath RALE
Really smart one BRAINIAC
Sailors TARS
Scientist Pavlov IVAN
Slithery fish EEL
Speed detector RADAR
Start for "state" INTER
Tall mall stall KIOSK
Trumpeter's noise BLARE
Type of union or bureau CREDIT
Verdi opera AIDA
Wipe chalk ERASE
Word with "winner's" CIRCLE
___-Lorraine (French territory) ALSACE