The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 28,614 - Dec 19 2017

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Clues Answers
A Slav describing British trick cyclist? ACROBAT
Accused over an assault ONACHARGE
Agent set up one-time entertainer PERFORMER
An effervescent beer in village restaurant LAGER
Anxiety of soldiers caught in wrongful act TORMENT
Attempt to deceive, positioning moon round far side of Mercury TRYITON
Bishop imprisoned by peers -- dopes! NOBBLES
Cocktail, as mixed with cider SIDECAR
Copper with cast, undemanding CUSHY
Cover Montana? Not all of that state VERMONT
Dodges in game RACKETS
Drank to excess back in warehouse DEPOT
English method appearing in list as a good example to follow ROLEMODEL
Join together to thoroughly search home, last in terrace COMBINE
Layer pastry in turnover included in amount STRATUM
Live way out, across sierra EXIST
Clues Answers
Lively exchange of opinions might make one angry before launch CROSSFIRE
Male representative before a battle MAGENTA
Medieval warrior from small tribe featured in article SARACEN
Object of performing recital ARTICLE
Operatic heroine, not quite conventional NORMA
Place that may suit one in Mayfair? SAVILEROW
Rule changed to accommodate married primate LEMUR
Satirical drawing showing face of Onassis on board container CARTOON
Scoundrel in favour of cutting repayment REPROBATE
Singular desire before appearing live as one working in theatre SURGEON
Someone involved in boating commotion on East River ROWER
Thrilling ride, first in Blackpool -- one going on gripped tightly BIGDIPPER
Trade unionist perhaps runs into trouble BROTHER
Trunk and spreading roots TORSO
Utterly depressed? True DOWNRIGHT
We back Lone Ranger film? WESTERN