Universal - Dec 16 2017

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"... ___ the twain shall ..." NEER
"Ali ___ and the 40 Thieves" BABA
"Bravo" preceder (var.) ALFA
"Cakes and ___" ALE
"Half" prefix DEMI
"House" attachment PENT
"Paint Your Wagon" song VIP ELISA
"___ to the Grind" SLAVE
0-shaped OVAL
Adders with beads ABACI
Admit honestly AVOW
Annulled or erased UNDID
Approves OKAYS
Bad-mouth DEFAME
Bake in the sun TAN
Be a bounder LEAP
Becomes tattered at the edges FRAYS
Butcher shop waste OFFAL
Caribbean taro EDDO
Collected sayings of Christ LOGIA
Compos mentis SANE
Doctor's due FEE
Driver's cloverleaf OVERPASS
Duct register VENT
Earlier, earlier ERST
Easter headgear BONNET
Elementary lessons ABCS
Escape capture ELUDE
Event with clowns RODEO
Flight segment STAIR
Former capital of India AGRA
Four things with water SKIBUGCOLORLILY
Had creditors OWED
Hats, slangily LIDS
Hodgepodge OLIO
Intense feeling of love ARDOR
Joan of ___ ARC
Judicial assembly TRIBUNAL
Clues Answers
Kind of surgeon ORAL
Klondike vehicle SLED
Knight's weapon LANCE
Like a house ___ AFIRE
Like a noted ranger LONE
Like wasp nest material PAPERY
Loud, prolonged noises DINS
More than enough PLENTY
Mountain valley GLEN
Natural emollients ALOES
Ocean movements TIDES
Odds' partner ENDS
One preparing to shoot AIMER
Operatic solo ARIA
Paradigm of happiness CLAM
Periods of calm weather LULLS
Pre-punctual? EARLY
Prefix with "circle" SEMI
Pretentiously showy ARTY
Pubmates LADS
Readies a pool cue CHALKS
Rest horizontally LIE
River for baby Moses NILE
Sea bubbles SPUME
Sheet music sign CLEF
Shoestrings LACES
Smell bad REEK
Speck on a globe ISLE
Student's stat GPA
Theater employee USHER
Thing lifted at a wedding VEIL
Three things with water BALLETBEDCOOLER
Three things with water BUFFALOPIPEPOLO
Toiled in a galley OARED
Tried to find SOUGHT
Verse in days of old POESY
Waste not USE
White frost HOAR