New York Times - Nov 23 2017

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Clues Answers
'Me too,' more formally ASAMI
'My ___!' HERO
'Se7en,' 'Nine' or '10' MOVIE
'Silly me!' DOH
'The Office,' originally BRITCOM
'Wasn't ___ most peculiar man?' (Simon & Garfunkel lyric) HEA
'Wow!' OMG
1971 double-platinum album for the Doors LAWOMAN
4,046.86 square meters ACRE
A little sharp ACIDY
A new one is nearly invisible MOON
Actress Streep MERYL
After-dinner option TEA
Bit of doctoral graduation regalia TAM
Bleaches WHITENS
Booker or Tester: Abbr SEN
Bringer of light, in myth EOS
Broke fast? ATE
C2H6, familiarly ETHANE
Closet item, for short VAC
Completion of filming WRAP
Declaration at the end of a chess game IRESIGN
Do another take RESHOOT
Double feature? SIXAMIGOS
Extra conditions ANDS
Extremely considerate SOKIND
Fashion inits YSL
Flow (from) EMANATE
Former White House family OBAMAS
Fourth estate? THREEOAKS
Good word to know if you love Latin? AMAS
Group with five #1 R&B hits in the 1990s JODECI
Halftime show? THIRTYMINUTES
High degree PHD
Higher-priced burger meat ELK
Kind of argument ORAL
Clues Answers
Locale of 10% of the world's oil reserves IRAN
Looked favorably (upon) SMILED
Many a fortysomething, for short XER
Nothin' NADA
Numerical prefix OCTO
Onetime reviewer of 5-Acrosses EBERT
Opening for a personal view IMO
Original 'Star Trek' cast member TAKEI
Patronizes, in a way DINESAT
Phony talk JIVE
Precursor to Windows MSDOS
Prefix with G.M.O NON
Quick hits JABS
Radioed info, for short APB
Rock's Mötley ___ CRUE
Rushed RANAT
Set of 108 for Uno DECK
Singer Chris ISAAK
Smallpox victims of the 1500s INCA
Sometimes they're the pits SEEDS
Stage after pupa IMAGO
Start of a Julius Caesar quote VENI
Start of a Julius Caesar quote ETTU
Start of a well-known roll call: Abbr ALA
Suffix with journal ESE
The star Mars BRUNO
They follow the nus XIS
Things thsi cluee needs sevaral of EDITS
Toronto and Ottawa are in it, for short NHL
Triple play? RICHARDIX
Unacceptable NOTOK
Unhealthy-looking WAN
Virtuoso ARTISTE
What plays to both sides? STEREO
Words of generosity ONME
Work without ___ ANET
Youngest player ever to win the Calder Memorial Trophy ORR
___ point DATA