- Nov 16 2017

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Am __ understand . . .'' ITO
''Faithful'' Seuss character HORTON
''Friends'' star ANISTON
''I see the light!'' AHA
''__ bad!'' NOT
11 Wall St. tenant NYSE
African snakes ASPS
Alpaca breeder of old INCAN
Apple computer IMAC
Art in animation books TOONS
Art in animation books CEL
Body art that fluoresces UVTATTOOS
Boom-box button REC
Boom-box component CDPLAYER
Bored by it all JADED
Bottle of sample perfume TESTER
Bottom-line PC key ALT
Chest bones STERNA
City in Oklahoma ENID
Combo punch ONETWO
Cotton stick brand QTIP
Describe TELLOF
Double curve ESS
Ending like -ette LET
Family nickname DAD
Feeling sore ACHY
Flip over UPEND
Geoffrey of fashion BEENE
Geometry coordinate systems XYPLANES
Glides on snow SKIS
Half-rectangle shapes ELS
Indirect assistance HINT
Interrogative ''And how!'' DOI
It touches Thailand LAOS
It's over your head SKY
L.L. Bean alternative JCREW
Latin eggs OVA
Literary likening SIMILE
Low poker pair SIXES
Clues Answers
Lunch order from Mom EAT
Memorable indecisive Dane HAMLET
Mouselike mammal SHREW
Naval assemblages FLEETS
Oklahoma tribe KIOWA
Olay competitor AVEENO
Paint a perfect picture of EPITOMIZE
Pastoral poem IDYLL
Pea pod, essentially HULL
Pet owner's Pinterest post header MYDOG
Petrol measures LITRES
Plane controller AIRFOIL
Purple flowers LILACS
Put some thought to IDEATE
Ribbons and medals PRIZES
Richard of stand-up PRYOR
School lunch standby, briefly PBJ
Shout of defiance HAH
Show sudden interest SITUP
Slick or quick with tricks SLY
Snug men's wear VESTS
Socialite celebrity ITGIRL
Sports figure PRO
Start of Grafton's eighth ''Alphabet'' title HIS
Stop for the ''Bounty'' TAHITI
Sultry HOT
Sunscreen stat SPF
Tapered shape CONE
They're scanned in e-commerce QRCODES
Threepio's pal ARTOO
Throws in ADDS
Took a second? REMARRIED
Two-person Olympic event EPEE
UK mega-author JKROWLING
Wool source EWE
Workout venue GYM
__ chatter (gossip mag fodder?) IDOL
__-turvy TOPSY