- Nov 13 2017

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Clues Answers
''Half'' prefix for final SEMI
''I need assistance'' HELPME
''Pay __ mind'' ITNO
A Great Lake ERIE
Animal fat for frying LARD
Appear to be SEEM
Apt (to) LIABLE
Black-and-white cookie OREO
Blend with a spoon STIR
Brings up, as children REARS
British noblemen EARLS
Bullring cheers OLES
Bun or bagel ROLL
Cake decorator ICER
Camper's shelter CANVASTENT
Casual pants DENIMJEANS
Chalkboard material SLATE
Champagne or Chianti WINE
Citizens' rights org ACLU
Close-by NEAR
Decorative artificial bloom SILKFLOWER
Door-to-door cosmetics seller AVON
Flood barrier LEVEE
Get married in secret ELOPE
Give a darn CARE
Golfer's pegs TEES
Hole-boring tool DRILL
Honolulu's locale OAHU
In __ of (rather than) LIEU
Jai __ ALAI
Job for a detective CASE
Large bag for potatoes BURLAPSACK
Long sandwiches HEROS
Make a choice SELECT
Makes very happy ELATES
Mexican coins PESOS
Misplace LOSE
Observed SEEN
Ohio tire city AKRON
Clues Answers
Oil cartel OPEC
One-pot beef dishes STEWS
Otherwise ELSE
Pay tribute to HONOR
Person, place, or thing NOUN
Pirate's treasure holder CHEST
Place of safety HAVEN
Presidential rejection VETO
Pub beverage ALE
Red as __ (embarrassed) ABEET
Regard highly ESTEEM
Region AREA
Roadside stopover MOTEL
Ruby or diamond GEM
Say ''not guilty,'' perhaps PLEAD
Shade trees ELMS
Ship's pole MAST
Shout scornfully at JEER
Skinny SLIM
Small songbird WREN
Smell bad REEK
Snakelike fish EEL
Spooky EERIE
Stare at OGLE
Teaching session LESSON
Three hours before noon NINE
Throws softly TOSSES
Tooth covering ENAMEL
Trio after Q RST
Up to the task ABLE
Was feeling poorly AILED
Was in possession of HAD
Young lady LASS
__ register (store's money holder) CASH
__ Scotia, Canada NOVA
__'clock (hour after noon) ONEO
__-control (willpower) SELF