The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 7472

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Clues Answers
A reflexive pronoun ITSELF
Beginning, start ONSET
Cannabis cigarette REEFER
Close NEAR
Conflagration; sack FIRE
Dishes cooked in oil fry-ups
Dull, slow LEADEN
Eg, painting, sculpture ARTS
Elf or fairy SPRITE
Gentle sheen LUSTRE
Human beings PEOPLE
Info in computer rather than printed soft copy
Clues Answers
Is of the right shape and size FITS
Leave far behind OUTDISTANCE
Make neat tidy up
Maths function; entire INTEGRAL
Not knowing right or wrong AMORAL
Of very high quality FINE
Omit (a sound) when speaking ELIDE
Parody, hoax SPOOF
Social insects ANTS
Study of skin disorders DERMATOLOGY
Type of ski race SLALOM
Water bird GREBE