The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 1,898 - Oct 12 2017

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Clues Answers
'Vanguard' idle -- engaged with refitting LEADINGEDGE
'Vessels' in title needing changing -- it's a pivotal passage TURNSTILE
A fighter for the crown in Oxford and Rye, maybe UNICORN
Acting in prologue, time to enter PROTEM
and 10: Could be varlet going abroad? FOREIGN
Avoiding Palladium, pranged Sierra RANGE
Awkward situation for gourmet -- freezer being regularly empty GUMTREE
Begging from people? Sleuth finds it impossible MENDICANT
Belvedere that accommodates accountant and family SUMMERHOUSE
Capital experience Colin discovered TRIPOLI
Cataract possibly, as usually seen twice a day at Southend? HIGHWATER
Concerning Mother's parking -- it's a gas! AFTERDAMP
Country with sycophants? Not singular YEMEN
Crushed fabric WORSTED
Clues Answers
Filming again, eager to keep each extra quiet on emperor's entry REAPPEARING
Gathering 11 is fruitless REAPING
Give boost via this with toast, perhaps? EGGON
How to make book (like Mantel?) immediately available? OFFTHESHELF
Hull 'supporter' departed for match EMULATE
Iris's the first person free to accompany boy IRIDIAN
It offers lip service, giving up censure on family NAPKIN
Majority of L-dopa queries becoming more puzzling OPAQUER
Music man from Sacramento lacking credit and with no end in sight, sadly SMETANA
One leaving service -- though not with Sappers latterly -- is to join up again RETIE
Run swindle alongside immature US villain SCAMPER
Striving hard TRYING
Sucker giving millions to substituted player LAMPREY