Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Oct 21 2017

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Clues Answers
' Named Sue' ABOY
'Bow-wow!' ARF
'Encore!' MORE
'ER' actor La Salle ERIQ
'J'accuse' writer ZOLA
'Say what?' HUH
'Where have you been all these years?' LONGTIMENOSEE
A billion years EON
Acapulco gold ORO
Atlas page MAP
Automaton, for short BOT
Baseball stats RBIS
Bassoon's kin OBOE
Beehive State UTAH
Blueprint PLAN
Branches ARMS
Broadway offering SHOW
Caustic cleaner LYE
Chill out RELAX
Consumed ATE
Don't have LACK
Droop SAG
Dye brand RIT
Feedbag tidbit OAT
Group of six HEXAD
Gumbo veggie OKRA
Hen pen COOP
Historic times ERAS
Hot tub SPA
In shape FIT
Inhabitant DENIZEN
It takes the cake OVEN
Clues Answers
Jeans-maker Strauss LEVI
Kind of pudding RICE
Lunch hour NOON
Male turkey TOM
Medal earner HERO
Mensa stats IQS
Nap site BED
New newts EFTS
Not hollow SOLID
Old Italian money LIRE
On deck NEXT
On the schedule SLATED
One who's a real boar? WILDPIG
Pear-shaped fruit FIG
Pharaoh's land EGYPT
Pinnacle ACME
Rani's wrap SARI
Remits PAYS
Reuben bread RYE
Ring decision TKO
Scratch the surface MAR
Shortens a skirt, say HEMS
Shrimp's kin PRAWN
Skater's leap AXEL
Sovereign DYNAST
Superman's alias KENT
Tours season ETE
Tree home NEST
Twistable cookie OREO
Use a shovel DIG
Wager BET
Zero-star review PAN