The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 28,541 - Sep 25 2017

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Clues Answers
A strict or a liberal gentleman? ARISTOCRAT
Animal seen when ocean has left SEAL
Canine tenacity? DOGGEDNESS
Centre right is showing overconfidence HUBRIS
Contradictory orders to the yachtsman for extra canvas STAYSAIL
Cut down meat CHOP
Every letter is written in it ALPHABET
Failed to use a bit over for recycling ABORTIVE
Fearless, being in flipping saucy papers INTREPID
Finish unfinished 'White Stoat' in gallery TERMINATE
Gave credit for writer that's penetrating in the present era ASCRIBED
Help a character in opera AIDA
Joint that's just over a foot ANKLE
Judge of knitted ties and cooked meat ESTIMATE
Love going round university for money EUROS
Clues Answers
Managed to get detectives to reveal rank RANCID
Possibly shoots ducks with graduate doctor BAMBOO
Quietly blame Deighton over explosive fallout? SHRAPNEL
Red Star delivery for dealers TRADERS
Reformed ladies, they're highly thought of IDEALS
Rolled and possibly curled around head of hair LURCHED
Secured -- the same numbers of points? TIED
Sets firm with unusual angles CONGEALS
Shrew's tail cut by chap from the French capital, alternatively KATMANDU
The bride will be up in arms over it THRESHOLD
The latest possible hour ELEVENTH
Unsettled on a flight INTHEAIR
Using coarse expressions, more or less ROUGHLYSPEAKING
You'll find the answer at the foot of the column PEDESTAL