- Sep 19 2017

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Tiny'' prefix for second NANO
''Yeah, sure'' ILLBET
Angel's topper HALO
Assist AID
At any time EVER
Baby bird of prey EAGLET
Black wood EBONY
Carryall bag TOTE
Cast a ballot VOTE
Catch sight of SPOT
Cheer (for) ROOT
Crib toy RATTLE
Difficult experience ORDEAL
Dismay greatly APPALL
Each, informally APOP
Extra item in an envelope: Abbr ENCL
Fawn's father STAG
Felines CATS
Gardener's dirt SOIL
Headquartered BASED
Hide away STASH
Honking bird GOOSE
If all goes well ATBEST
Imitated APED
Impolite look LEER
Jockey's mount HORSE
June honoree DAD
Keep from happening AVERT
Later on AFTER
Make changes to ALTER
Make void ANNUL
Mascara site LASH
Maui and Oahu ISLES
Merriment MIRTH
Monopoly square with bars JAIL
No more than UPTO
Not doing anything IDLE
Notion IDEA
Online message EMAIL
Clues Answers
Point of a constellation STAR
Prefix meaning ''many'' MULTI
Rancher's rope LASSO
Reebok competitor NIKE
Rise from one's seat STAND
Roof overhangs EAVES
Salon colors DYES
Scouring pad brand BRILLO
Secret motive ANGLE
Serving of cake SLICE
Shout of triumph TADA
Show to be true PROVE
Sound of scorn SNORT
Speedy plane JET
Spills the beans TELLS
Stove or freezer: Abbr APPL
Suffix for luncheon ETTE
Surrounded by AMID
Take a breather REST
Takes one's turn GOES
Tennis racket target BALL
The one here THIS
Three-ingredient sandwiches, for short BLTS
Tips of shoes TOES
Trees with needles PINES
Vein of ore LODE
Venetian blind strips SLATS
Very devout PIOUS
Voice below soprano ALTO
Voice quality TONE
Wish to have DESIRE
Yes-__ question ORNO
__ cards fortune-teller's deck) TAROT
__ out a living (just got by) EKED