- Sep 14 2017

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Clues Answers
Airport aide SKYCAP
Artistic inspiration MUSE
Bill of Rights defender, for short ACLU
Brown shade ECRU
Brownish gray TAUPE
Brownish photo tone SEPIA
Brunch selection BAGEL
Camel color TAN
Cargo measure TON
Cellphone function, for short CAM
Chesapeake delicacy CRAB
Conical shelter TEPEE
Cool, in the '90s RAD
Cornfield count EARS
Coupe cousin SEDAN
Curt refusal IWONT
Discussion point ITEM
Doesn't stay put ROVES
Edible seedpods PEAS
Evaluation station TESTLAB
Family member NIECE
Family member INLAW
Fashion designer Rabanne PACO
Firmly fit TONED
Flight fig ETA
Get billed OWE
Goes on and on and on YAPS
Gold, to investors PRECIOUSMETAL
Grass cover, at times DEW
Greek diner staple FETA
Handsome: Fr BEAU
Hollywood collectible MOVIEPROP
Indy 500's 200 LAPS
Italian affection AMORE
Keep from happening DETER
Keeps from happening STEMS
Kyoto canine AKITA
Clues Answers
Lid fasteners HASPS
Make possible ENABLE
Memo opener INRE
Metric prefix DECA
More than like ADORE
Nefarious ILL
No longer apart ONE
Non-bank loan funds PRIVATEMONEY
Nose wrinkler, perhaps ODOR
Offer for approval SUBMIT
Oklahoma city ENID
Other than that ELSE
Oversupply SATIATE
Pacific Rim peninsula KOREA
Patron saint of Norway OLAF
Philosopher Descartes RENE
Physicist Mach ERNST
PlayStation developer SONY
Prefix for lateral UNI
Protection from the sun HATS
Purview AREA
Quaint lament ALAS
Quirky phrase IDIOM
Running thief of rhyme TOM
Sales revenue stat PROFITMARGIN
Soaring toy KITE
Speed (up) REV
Street near Maple, often ELM
Tailless hoppers TOADS
Terrier term YORKIE
Ticklish situation FIX
Tire inflation stat PSI
Traveler's sewing supply KIT
Troop group CORPS
True-to-life REAL
Visualize SEE
Where IPOs take place PRIMARYMARKET
Wildly AMOK
__-mo SLO