Universal - Aug 29 2017

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"... if I thought ___ be helpful" ITD
"Big" Hawaiian VIP KAHUNA
"Groovy!" relative FAB
"Wait for me to ___" CATCHUP
Advanced deg. tests GRES
All-net, no-rim sound SWISH
Animal groups HERDS
Baby bird utterance TWEET
Black, in old poetry EBON
Cardinal or auburn RED
Colorful mimic in a cage PARAKEET
Complimentary FREE
Conceit producer EGO
Courtyards with skylights ATRIA
Curvy-horned goat IBEX
Deceives DELUDES
Derive by reasoning INFER
Destructive mob RIOT
Eater of forbidden fruit EVE
Faint trace TINGE
Gen-Xers' rearers BOOMERS
Generic dog name REX
Get out of Dodge FLEE
Gin complement TONIC
Hanging fish net SEINE
Heroic deed FEAT
Hindi courtesy title BABU
Improvise ADLIB
It's pitched well over your head ROOF
Join forces UNITE
Letters concerning a landing ETA
Like much served chicken FRIED
Like some teenage turtles MUTANT
Look of disdain SNEER
Low-lying islands CAYS
Make mention of NOTE
Many bucks DEER
Munro's alias SAKI
Not quite horn blasts TOOTS
Clues Answers
Not shakable UNFLINCHING
Not shakable UNFALTERING
Not shakable INFLEXIBLE
Not shakable UNYIELDING
Noted Italian astronomer GALILEO
Odysseus tempter SIREN
One way to check for freshness SNIFF
Pirate's treasure BOOTY
Place for thieves and lions DEN
Presents GIFTS
Proposal OFFER
Pry into SNOOP
Quite a long time EON
Religious offshoot SECT
River to the underworld STYX
Road shoulders BERMS
Rural pasture LEA
Rx overseer FDA
Short-tubed pasta PENNE
Sicilian volcano ETNA
Slithery fish EEL
Small cyst WEN
Some engraving tools STYLETS
Some fancy cracker spreads PATES
Some pudding starches SAGOS
Tagged one's announcement IMIT
Talkative bird MYNA
Taps in the kitchen SPIGOTS
They hang around the house SHUTTERS
Threesome TRIAD
Up to the task ABLE
Votes against NOS
Was in first LED
Wash up LAVE
What sitcoms should provide HUMOR
Winter coating HOAR
Word for a guesser ABOUT
Word often with "improved" NEW
___ out a living (barely scraped by) EKED