- Nov 12 2008

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Clues Answers
''I Love Lucy'' landlord MERTZ
''Titanic'' theme singer DION
''__ Fly Now'' (''Rocky'' theme) GONNA
Actress Wray FAY
Airline seating request AISLE
Aloe __ VERA
Aluminum source ORE
Australian port PERTH
Biblical verb SAYETH
Bovine bellow MOO
California wine region NAPA
Cancún cash PESO
Chile neighbor PERU
City near Provo OREM
Completely ATOZ
Cons' opposers PROS
Costner's ''JFK'' role JIMGARRISON
Court affirmation OATH
Deeply felt INNER
Dian Fossey subjects APES
Disconcert FAZE
Disconcert ABASH
Disgorge SPEW
Do no work LOAF
Draws aimlessly DOODLES
Except for SAVE
Faux pas GOOF
Get a move on HIE
Gets the total wrong MISADDS
High-born NOBLE
Hoodlums THUGS
House support BEAM
Infield position SECONDBASE
It's often around a foot SHOE
Kind of golf club IRON
Letter holder MAILBOX
Like a memorable Dodger ARTFUL
Low-cost quarters HOSTEL
Clues Answers
Nail site TOE
Not quite night DUSK
Olfactory offense ODOR
One way to send a package PARCELPOST
Onetime Nintendo rival SEGA
Part of RSVP SIL
Part of UAE ARAB
Peace goddess IRENE
Pilgrim's destination MECCA
Pince-__ glasses NEZ
Price for a hand ANTE
Projecting rock CRAG
Quick and clever SNAPPY
Raring to go AVID
Reagan's chimp costar BONZO
Relief effort, for short EVAC
Rises slowly ASCENDS
Romanov ruler TSAR
Sharp pull YANK
Sharpen HONE
Shogun's home JAPAN
Slangy address DUDE
Small fly GNAT
Solitary LONE
Spooky EERIE
State legislator SENATOR
Steal, slangily GLOM
Take charge temporarily HOLDTHEFORT
Tears down RAZES
Tot's dinner wear BIB
Trojans' sch. USC
Ultimatum THREAT
Untested GREEN
Vintner's aide TASTER
Where a horse race starts GATE
Zilch NADA