- Aug 3 2017

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Selma'' director DuVernay AVA
''That stings, that stings!'' OWOW
''We're done here'' ITSOVER
Alpine goat IBEX
Any of the Marshall Islands ATOLL
Apt to babble GASSY
Arise (from) STEM
Asian League of Nations member SIAM
Atomic clock devices MASERS
Babble PRATE
Baryshnikov nickname MISHA
Bibliography notation ETAL
Business phone nos EXTS
Cape waver TORERO
Cast material PLASTER
Certain ascent assistant SHERPA
Certain peer EARL
Collegians in ''Y'' sweaters ELIS
Constitution section ARTICLE
Costco rival SAMS
Creeping foliage IVIES
Czech region MORAVIA
Drag-racing fuel NITRO
Egyptian amulet SCARAB
Ending like -ule ETTE
Fallibility adage starter TOERR
Feline stalker LEOPARD
First-billed name in ''Notorious'' CARY
Former ''Mad Men'' airer AMC
Formidable athletic team POWERHOUSE
Handbag, in brand names SAC
Hoodwink ROOK
Hurry-up acronym ASAP
Invoice detail: Abbr DESC
Japan's #2 city, people-wise YOKOHAMA
Clues Answers
Lunar plain MARE
Mac with cheese ELBOWS
Medieval science ALCHEMY
Million-dollar strings STRAD
Mini ha-ha GIGGLE
Much of miso SOY
Muggy WET
NASCAR sponsor STP
Nepal neighbor BANGLADESH
Nobel Peace Prize city OSLO
Obtain, as profit REALIZE
Occupational suffix EER
Ornamental potted plant ALOE
PC viruses, for instance MALWARE
Periodic REGULAR
Pledges oneself COMMITS
Put on again RERAN
Quite unusual RARE
Sheet music credit LYRICS
Singer Guthrie ARLO
Singsong syllable TRA
Slightest sound PEEP
Some batteries AAS
Sound at McDonald's farm MOO
South American capital LIMA
Splinter group SECT
Star's assistant DRESSER
Starch in puddings SAGO
Swallow up ABSORB
Taking down ABASING
Thrown for __ ALOOP
Warship fleet ARMADA
Where a famous stone was found ROSETTA
Would much rather not do DREADS