L.A. Times Daily - Nov 9 2008

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Clues Answers
"And this man is now become __": Cassius AGOD
"Double Fantasy" artist ONO
"Shucks!" DARN
"Super-duper!" NEATO
"The Beauty Myth" author Wolf NAOMI
"The Time Machine" author HGWELLS
"There's __ in team" NOI
10-foot Alaskan, at times KODIAK
16th-century explorer of Florida DESOTO
2004 Olympics host, to the IOC GRE
2008 World Series of Poker bracelet winner Kenny TRAN
Abu __ DHABI
Actor Quinn AIDAN
Actress __ Flynn Boyle LARA
African antelope ORIBI
Andalusia Almighty DIOS
Appends ADDSON
Attorney's employer CLIENT
Bags with handles TOTES
Be officious MEDDLE
Bear, in Bolivia OSO
Bible belt? SMITE
Big top barker SEAL
Birth-related NATAL
Blue hue AQUA
California wine city LODI
Call in a deli NEXT
Capital of Qatar DOHA
Ceases to be ISNT
Chilean pianist Claudio ARRAU
Co. chiefs MGT
Comment end? ATOR
Commotions HOOHAS
Cook for three minutes, perhaps SOFTBOIL
D.C. summer hrs. EDT
Developed a fondness for TOOKTO
Diagnostic lab system ABO
Dirty Harry's org. SFPD
Discharge EGEST
Divest (of) RID
Dreams up IDEATES
Drunk bricklayer? STONEDMASON
Drunk business bigwig? OILEDMAGNATE
Drunk cheerleading team? BOMBEDSQUAD
Drunk chug-a-lugger? GASSEDGUZZLER
Drunk diner employee? FRIEDCOOK
Drunk leader? HAMMEREDHEAD
Drunk pitchman? TRASHEDTALKER
Drunk section of operagoers? JUICEDBOX
Dwelling ABODE
Earth, to Mahler ERDE
Encouraging words HOORAYS
Energy company founder Halliburton ERLE
Erelong ANON
Evening gala SOIREE
Exhibit SHOW
Exploits DEEDS
Flounder relative HALIBUT
Genetic info carriers DNAS
Get away from ELUDE
Get using guile FINAGLE
Gives away DONATES
Glittery stone GEODE
Gloating look SMIRK
Hardly abundant SLIM
Hardly capricious STAID
Hells Canyon is on its border IDAHO
Henry James biographer Leon EDEL
Hollywood's Skye IONE
Clues Answers
House of the lord MANOR
Huge fans ADORERS
It might be a raise BET
It probably won't keep you up DECAF
Its st. song is "Home on the Range" KAN
Just dandy AOK
Keister BUTT
Lee Meredith's role in "The Producers" (1968) ULLA
Less messy TIDIER
Like the fur seal EARED
List heading TODO
Look healthy GLOW
Louisville's __ Center, cultural attraction ALI
Madison's roomie UNGER
Massey of old films ILONA
Mountain nymph OREAD
Nailed obliquely TOED
Nearly failing, to a prof DEE
Neither here nor there INLIMBO
Nodded SLEPT
Not a company man? LONER
Oboe's predecessor SHAWM
Oft-framed document DIPLOMA
One of The Three Tenors DOMINGO
Pesky "Blondie" kid ELMO
Picks out of a lineup, briefly IDS
Pitcher Maglie SAL
Place to find fjord explorers: Abbr. ICEL
Pollen spreader BEE
Pound of verse EZRA
Progeny SCION
Reset, as an odometer ZERO
Rock on the Rhine LORELEI
Rocky of song RACCOON
Roofing material TAR
Sales figure REP
Scandinavian toast SKOAL
Secret rival ARRID
She lived most of her life as a male named Anshel YENTL
Shortage DEFICIT
Shudder-inducing GRUESOME
Signal to begin speaking, perhaps TONE
Silverstein who wrote "A Boy Named Sue" SHEL
Singer Simone NINA
Soup follower? DUJOUR
Spades, but not shovels SUIT
Steersmen's posts HELMS
Strange OUTRE
Sutherland contemporary HORNE
Tango composer Piazzolla ASTOR
Taurus preceder ARIES
Taylor of "Mystic Pizza" LILI
The Chicago Sting was its last champion in 1984: Abbr. NASL
They can be frozen ASSETS
This, in Toledo ESTO
Threat phrase ORELSE
Tied garment ROBE
Treasured DEAR
Truman Capote, e.g. BLOND
Unabridged dictionary, e.g. TOME
Unlike a wild horse RIDABLE
USSR successor CIS
Victorian __ ERA
Whiskey purchase PINT
Willing words IWOULD
Work detail CREW
Yeats's homeland ERIN
__ about ONOR