USA Today - Nov 5 2008

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Clues Answers
''Blue's Clues'' clue PAWPRINT
''Disgusting!'' ICK
A minute before ONEOF
Apple-holding luau fare ROASTPIG
Aren't imaginary EXIST
Attributable (to) DUE
Barrett of Pink Floyd SYD
Box-spring support SLAT
Bring into balance EVENUP
Caterer's vessel URN
Climb, as a pole SHIN
Comes down to earth LANDS
Country that seceded from Colombia PANAMA
Cousin of a mackerel WAHOO
Cry of pain YOW
Deep mud MIRE
Develop choppers? TEETHE
Disappearing Asian sea ARAL
Exhibits poor posture SLOUCHES
For ___ (not pro bono) AFEE
Former union member? EXWIFE
Gp. that runs the Sprint Cup Series NASCAR
Hit a lucky streak GETHOT
Hoity-___ TOITY
In a manner of speaking ASITWERE
It comes before the summer (Abbr.) SPR
Jazzman Gillespie, familiarly DIZ
Join the cast of, as a movie ACTIN
Knight and Newton WAYNES
La-la opening TRA
Like Abner or Kim LIL
Like films with adult themes RATEDR
Like the North Pole crew ELFIN
Clues Answers
Lo mein morsel NOODLE
London-based record label EMI
Loud, continuous noise DIN
Makes tracks BEATSIT
Mark, as a ballot XIN
Mine material ORE
More frou-frou ARTIER
More like molasses SLOWER
Mother of Hermes MAIA
Mozart's ''___ fan tutte'' COSI
No and Strangelove DRS
Oater staple SIXGUN
One of the acting Baldwins ALEC
Origami staple CRANE
Place to be pampered SPA
Retired speedsters, briefly SSTS
Shady finish for pay? OLA
Showed affection, in a way KISSED
Skeletal opening? EXO
Some upperclassmen, briefly SRS
Spanish article UNA
Spiked part of a stegosaurus TAIL
Tear forcefully REND
Teensy amount WHIT
Tel. number add-on EXT
They're close to your heart LUNGS
They're not liquid or gaseous SOLIDS
Third of three LAST
To boot TOO
Too proud to stoop to ABOVE
Treat now called Snickers Almond in the U.S. MARSBAR
Upscale Tokyo shopping district GINZA
Winter fishing tool ICESAW
With ''triple,'' it's a sandwich DECKER
Words after ''court'' or ''rule'' OFLAW
___ capita income PER
___-Xers (boomers' kids) GEN