Irish Times (Crosaire) - Jul 17 2017

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Clues Answers
Attached to one alien type of everyday food STAPLEDIET
Barman's head on right pitcher makes the stout BREWER
Catch up with engineering workers from Capital trading in awful accommodation TENEMENT
Con elite criminal for talking one's seat ELECTION
Dare I say, leaders get a bed of roses? And, that's the difficulty! DISCOMFORT
Deal or move out of painful experience ORDEAL
Facet missing from aftercare tends to be hard to find RARE
Feel pain starting off last letter in humorous state by neutral area BUFFERZONE
Found undercover in neurotic local capital EURO
Goes a long way along the road with some Muslim outsider LIMO
Good-natured friend from Paris is on the line AMICABLE
Ill-humoured beast swallows ram's head MOROSE
Into the bargain, lost dole at job centre? That's some parting shot! TOODLEOO
Isn't engaged in describing Life on Mars UNOCCUPIED
Clues Answers
It's not important why one can't see The Invisible Man NOMATTER
Little bit of sample from audiotapes IOTA
Makeover some furniture downstairs REDO
Makes a great show of food recipe PRODUCER
Off the top of one's head in Mumbai Square, it's a characteristic of the city TURBAN
On the contrary, never short for time on some extreme occasions EVENTS
Overjoyed with Pole (2,3,2,3,5) ONTOPOFTHEWORLD
Propose to leading Trojan groom - hero and sage needing no introduction THEORISE
Raises flower from America - it's an important piece of work OPUS
Rent out laser printer - it will give someone a taste of their own medicine REPRISAL
Taunt model to determine final condition ATTUNE
There is no cash in Athletics Championship TITLE
This awkward retweet is the top one of the summer TSHIRT
US co-ed travelling to old European capital ESCUDO