Universal - Nov 3 2008

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Clues Answers
''Drying out'' program REHAB
''No ifs, ___ or buts!'' ANDS
American chameleon ANOLE
Ancient Cuzco residents INCAS
Anther visitor BEE
Anti-tradition art movement DADA
Arch enemy NEMESIS
At the apex of ATOP
Back-seat driver, e.g. NAG
Bar need ICE
Basketball game site ARENA
Beach spread TOWEL
Beef buyer's specification LEAN
Bottomless depth ABYSS
Bring forth EDUCE
Brown with a Band of Renown LES
Busy activity ADO
Canonized femme, briefly STE
Certain kid on a camping trip CUBSCOUT
Chief port of Yemen ADEN
City destroyed in Genesis SODOM
Come into view EMERGE
Common bedroom furniture material MAPLE
Conservationist's advice REUSE
Cordage material SISAL
Crack pilot ACE
Depart from the truth LIE
Drinking vessel CUP
Egyptian snake ASP
Emmy-winning Thompson SADA
Finnish baths SAUNAS
Firefighter's tool AXE
First romance, often PUPPYLOVE
Fly in the ointment SNAG
Formerly named NEE
Garnishes ADORNS
Got too personal PRIED
Hydroelectric power site DAM
Influence SAY
Introduction to the public DEBUT
Clues Answers
Lambs' dams EWES
Land to which Cain fled NOD
Lined up perfectly TRUED
Make imperfect MAR
March master SOUSA
Maximum effort ALL
Mine wagon TRAM
More dry and withered SERER
Musicians' org. ASCAP
Newshound's need SOURCES
Nose (out) EDGE
Noted Wild West scout KITCARSON
Old Spanish coins PESETAS
One-time Argentine leader PERON
Part of a musical gig SET
Part of a table setting NAPKIN
Parts of boxing gloves LACES
Places in order SORTS
Poke fun at RIB
Poplars with fluttering leaves ASPENS
Popular line dance of the 1950s BUNNYHOP
Prepare apples for applesauce PARE
Project, as charm EXUDE
Rate of speed PACE
Readied for the printer EDITED
Sensual SULTRY
Settles a debt PAYS
Shakespeare's wife ANNE
She played Molly in ''Ghost'' DEMI
Story with a moral PARABLE
Tackle box gizmo SCALER
Tenor Caruso ENRICO
Typed in ENTERED
Under the weather ILL
Units of instruction LESSONS
Was presidential LED
William and Harry's mum DIANA
Wine adjective SEC
Word of warning CAVEAT
___ place for SETA