L.A. Times Magazine - Nov 2 2008

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Clues Answers
"... ___ in Heaven" ASITIS
"Alice" spinoff FLO
"But nowadays, it's my blood pressure that ___" FLUCTUATES
"Ghosts" writer IBSEN
"Hurry up," to Tarzan UNGAWA
"I've got it!" AHA
"My basketball stock ___" WASUPTWOPOINTS
"My cheddar stocks ___" FELLSHARPLY
"My coffee stock ___" LOSTGROUND
"My flower stocks ___" ROSESLIGHTLY
"My gem stocks ___" WERELACKLUSTER
"My girdle stock ___" HELDITSOWN
"My horse racing stocks ___" WERESTABLE
"My miniskirt stocks ___" INCHEDHIGHER
"My pillow stocks ___" HADADOWNDAY
"My vending machine stocks ___" SAWNOCHANGE
"Nuts!" DRAT
"Raging Bull" subject LAMOTTA
"Slowly ___" (start of a classic vaudeville routine) ITURN
"Wanna ___?" BET
"___ in point" ACASE
"___ soit qui mal y pense" HONI
1960s DJ and Beatles booster, Murray ___ THEK
54 Down, to Italians MOLTO
A splash in the pan OIL
Actress Dianne WIEST
Addicts USERS
Advance in the OR LASER
Africa has a wild one ASS
After all this time BYNOW
Alouette, in English LARK
Amateurish BUSH
Battery fluid ACID
Birthplace of 26 Across OHIO
Book holder BIN
Bottle parts NECKS
Brunch time TENAM
Bus. card datum TEL
Cafe emanation AROMA
Canasta combo MELD
Carrey's "Batman" role RIDDLER
Cauterize SEAR
Certain playing marble STEELIE
Circus animal, in Spain OSO
Clothing (oneself) ATTIRING
Commotion ADO
Crossword cuckoo ANI
Cultural stuff ARTS
Darn things SEW
Dime novelist Buntline NED
Do the floor SWEEP
Drawn-out fight SIEGE
Drillers' org. ADA
Eavesdropper SPY
El ___ PASO
Electrical bridges ARCS
Electronics name RCA
Euro watchdog NATO
Explosive stuff TNT
Extremely VERY
Fish-eater's find BONE
Floating leaf PAD
Flogs TANS
Foe's stand ANTI
Gauguin's retreat TAHITI
Gave it a go TRIED
Gaza greetings SALAAMS
Get used (to) ADAPT
Good hold GRIP
Half a long-running drama LAW
Half a palindromic Cambodian LON
Has a little something EATS
Clues Answers
He says, "It's all been satirized for your protection" MAHER
He won by one electoral vote HAYES
Heart parts ATRIA
Hideout LAIR
Higher ___ kite THANA
Holds the deed to OWNS
Home of Francis ASSISI
Home: Abbr. RES
Indian term of respect SAHIB
Introduction to amphetamines METH
James Joyce's homeland EIRE
John and Maureen's girl MIA
Koala's home TREE
La Jolla campus: abbr. UCSD
Lethal snake BOA
Lethal snake ASP
Matching collections SETS
Medit. nation ISR
Mex. miss SRTA
New Mexico tourist site TAOS
Nincompoop IDIOT
No longer together DIVORCED
O'Neill-turned-Chaplin OONA
Official orders EDICTS
OK for all ages RATEDG
Oldsmobile precursor REO
Olympics chant USAUSA
Overwhelmed AWED
Part of RSVP SIL
Part of the family KIN
Periodic table info: Abbr. ATNOS
Place of shelter INN
Place of shelter HOUSE
Pouting grimace MOUE
Premium channel HBO
Prepare for guests DRESS
Product book CATALOG
Put on ___ (fake it) ANACT
Puzo topic MAFIA
Ragtime dance ONESTEP
Raw resource ORE
Reaches its highest level CRESTS
Refuse receptacles ASHCANS
Road coverage TAR
Salamander NEWT
Sanction ALLOW
Scalp, as tickets RESELL
SeaWorld attraction SHAMU
Slimy crud GUNK
Smoothly, in music LEGATO
Son of Aphrodite EROS
Stimulate WHET
Story assigner EDITOR
Suitor WOOER
The robot's name in "The Day the Earth Stood Still" GORT
The ___ Spee GRAF
Tied up at the marina BERTHED
Time to give it up? LENT
To ___ for DIE
Toast option RYE
Top 40 item SONG
Tour guide? MAP
Trounce WHIP
Type of income NET
Vicinity AREA
Viewer ___ MAIL
Wise Athenian SOLON
Wroclaw's German name BRESLAU
You're on it EARTH
Zingy taste TANG
___ boost EGO
___ nothing (use any means) STOPAT