USA Today - Oct 21 2008

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Clues Answers
''The Maids'' playwright Jean GENET
2002 Winter Olympics site (Abbr.) USA
Adjudge DEEM
Angry states IRES
Athletic supporters? FANS
Be a contender VIE
Big fusses ADOS
Bit for the silent butler ORT
Black Russian ingredient VODKA
Blood classification letters ABO
Blunt, as reality STARK
Blyton, writer of children's books ENID
Building support IBEAM
Canal sites EARS
Cappuccino alternative LATTE
Christopher, the Man of Steel REEVE
Curlew's cousin SNIPE
Divides equally BISECTS
Early August baby LEO
Flirtatious batter LASH
Followed orders OBEYED
Fowl place ROOST
Greek portico STOA
He digs gigs CAT
How sweet it is! SUGAR
Inexact fig. EST
It contains late news? OBIT
It may be used in a pinch HERB
It's swiped often VISA
Junior's junior, to senior GRANDSON
Lack of difficulty EASE
Large amount SCAD
Lead-up to a special delivery? LABOR
Like a beach SANDY
Lymph lump NODE
Mass-produced answer? AMEN
Minstrel, often LUTIST
Mythical being EASTERBUNNY
Clues Answers
Mythical being TOOTHFAIRY
Mythical being SANTACLAUS
Mythical being THEBOOGYMAN
Neck section NAPE
Nominates SELECTS
Officially disallows BANS
Ohio pros REDS
One end of a fallopian tube OVARY
Part of a firefighter's attire BOOT
Perpetrator in Genesis CAIN
Peter the Great, e.g. TSAR
Petty quarrels SPATS
Plastic user's fig. APR
Psychologist Jung CARL
Rallying calls CRIES
Renewable energy type SOLAR
Revere ADORE
River in Russia and Kazakhstan URAL
Room at the top ATTIC
Round numbers? EIGHTS
Satyric stares LEERS
South Pacific herbal drink KAVA
Spanish hors d'oeuvre TAPA
Stressful way to run LATE
Studio embellishment ECHO
Superimposed on ATOP
Surrounding glow AURA
Take a nose dive TANK
Their business is always picking up BUSES
Unfit for farming, in a way ARID
Uninitiated ones VIRGINS
Valley girl? LILY
Vampire's undoing DAYLIGHT
Warms, as leftovers REHEATS
What pink may denote GIRL
Wheelless ride SLED
Where the Olympics' giant slalom was first held OSLO
Work to get, as someone's trust EARN
___ cotta TERRA